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Jason Singh to Celebrate 30th Ann. of Jeff Buckley's "Grace"

Announcement posted by Get Set Productions 24 May 2024

23 August - Memo Music Hall. One Night Only



2024 marks the 30th anniversary of the Jeff Buckley masterpiece "Grace". Released on 23 August 1994, "Grace" continues to captivate audiences worldwide with its hauntingly beautiful melodies and powerful lyrics.


To commemorate this milestone, acclaimed musician, solo artist and TAXIRIDE frontman, Jason Singh, along with his full band, will pay tribute to Jeff Buckley and this iconic album on its 30th Anniversary, 23 August, at Memo Music Hall. Singh's performances will be a celebration of Buckley's life and music, showcasing the enduring impact of "Grace" on music lovers everywhere.


A timeless masterpiece, "Grace" showcases Buckley's extraordinary talent as a singer-songwriter. The album features a mix of original songs and covers, each delivered with Buckley's signature emotional depth and vocal range. Highlights from the album include the mesmerising "Hallelujah," the soulful "Lover, You Should've Come Over," and the angelic "Grace."


Singh's connection to Buckley's music runs deep, as he released a cover of Buckley's "Last Goodbye" in 2018. Singh's heartfelt rendition of "Last Goodbye" received high praise, with Buckley's manager Dave Lory praising it as the best cover version of Last Goodbye he's heard; further solidifying his status as a fitting vocalist to honour Buckley's legacy.


Jason Singh is well aware of the task ahead of him in honouring this album and is excited by the challenge it brings "As crazy as it may seem to take this on, it's a challenge I am excited for and looking forward to honouring. I know this album inside and out, every word, every note, every breath."


Known for his ability to cover a broad range of artists, as demonstrated in his hit show Heaven's Greatest Hits, Jason Singh's soulful voice and heartfelt performances make him the perfect artist to honour Jeff Buckley's legacy. Singh's tribute will be a must-see event for fans of Buckley and music enthusiasts alike.


Join us in celebrating the 30th anniversary of Jeff Buckley's "Grace" and experience the magic of this timeless album live on stage with Jason Singh.


Tickets on sale now: https://www.trybooking.com/events/landing/1231921?embed


Further information / interview requests: Claire Reynolds: +61 407 461 965



**About Jeff Buckley**

Jeff Buckley was an American singer-songwriter and guitarist. Jeff Buckley's Grace introduced the world to the sublime music of a visionary artist whose voice, guitar work, songwriting, and interpretative skills transcended all categories. The only studio album Jeff completed before his life and career ended tragically with his drowning in Memphis on May 29, 1997, Grace occupies a unique space in music history, affirming Jeff's abiding legacy as a timeless and vital musical force while offering clues to the mysteries of his future possibilities.


Grace made numerous year-end best-of lists for 1994-including Entertainment Weekly, Q, and NME-and is one of Rolling Stone's 500 Greatest Albums of All Time. Since release, Grace has now been certified 7 x platinum in Australia.