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Teaching Mums to be Selfish

Announcement posted by Glow Collection 19 Jun 2024

From June 21, 2024 over 2,500 mums across Australia are collectively going to check out for one hour and focus on themselves.

"Yep you read that right" says Samantha Norrie, Co-Founder of the Glow Hour Movement. "Checking out and doing nothing for an hour may look like all these mums are being very selfish, but in reality, they are doing a very selfless act. How? Simple. By taking one hour for themselves to literally stop, put down their devices, and put all their distractions behind them - to literally take a breather from the outside world, where everyone wants them, has a massive benefit to a mum's mental health. Trust me with 3 boys, two jobs and a house to run I'm pulled from pillar to post - sometimes I just want the world to STOP. That's why we came up with Glow Hour". 

In today's fast-paced and super demanding world, prioritising self-care is essential and Glow Hour serves as a reminder that taking 'Me Time' is good for you and you don't have to feel guilty because you are 'self reflecting or just thinking about what's happening now, in your future and what you want. By doing this, mums (in fact anyone) can help improve their mental resilience, their overall emotional well-being, and become better equipped to support others which actually makes it a selfless thing to do.


"Glow Hour is a simple movement that does not require money, or fancy clothes. Nor is it for the rich and famous. It's for everyone," adds Norrie. Just the simple act of scheduling just one hour for yourself to 'self-reflect' can provide a sense of peace, clarity, and maybe even renewed purpose. It's quite easy to do and anyone can do it to help prioritise their mental health. 

According to Norrie, "Our goal for Glow Hour this year is to get as many mums as we can participating right across Australia from June 21, 2024 and every month after that. Scheduling in one hour just for them. The Glow Hour Movement is not limited to a single day, instead we hope it inspires a lasting commitment to a little bit of self-care. I know we are all busy and it may seem hard to schedule an hour in a mum's packed life but think about the massive benefits of a more clearer, peaceful mind." 

Glow Hour starts from June 21, 2024. It costs nothing, requires you to do nothing, relax and think for one quiet hour away from any distractions. Do this every month and you may find your decisions and relationships and most of your mental wellbeing may improve.




For media inquiries, interviews with Samantha (Sam) Norrie, or additional information, please contact: Greg Smith  0411 175 292

About Glow Hour:

Glow Hour is a movement of like-minded people who believe the simple act of scheduling one hour for self reflection on a regular basis can improve a mum's mental health and well being. Our vision is a world where mums' do not feel guilty to check out for only an hour once a month to focus on themselves and mental well being. See here for more

Who is it for?

We are focusing on mums primarily. However, Glow Hour can be for dads, students, business owners or anything in between. Taking an hour to reflect on your mental health is something that everyone can do.

How to Get Involved? 

There's no cost. Not expectation. Just find a quiet space and DO NOTHING. With Glow Hour you can simply schedule an hour for you - weekly, fortnightly monthly or whatever suits. In fact, you can Glow Your Own Way! But remember, it has to be 'Me Time" and definitely not when you are at the gym, running up to the grocery store, or cleaning the house! 


Here's some ideas on how to spend your Glow Hour…

1. Schedule one hour in your diary - you choose when.

2. Turn off all your devices - yes all of them!

3. Go to a quiet pace - with no distractions.

4. Maybe even light a candle.
5. Focus on you - think about what's happening now, in your future and what you want.

Yes, we appreciate all of this may be hard to do for  many people - especially finding the one hour in their busy day. But like anything in your life if you want to do it you do it. Just consciously schedule it and keep it up. 


The benefits of Self Reflection


There a number of benefits of self reflection:

1. You will begin to relax just that little bit more.

2. You will have a clearer mind to address things in your world.

3. You will find yourself being a little happier as you appreciate what you have.

4. It will help you make decisions better as a clear mind can give you the space to be more considered. 

5. You will find your relationships can improve as you reflect on your interactions with others and see things from their side and yours. In other words, think before you respond.

A White Paper titled the Mental Health Benefits of Consciously Scheduling Time for Self Reflection - is available here for further reading


Who's Behind Glow Hour?

Glow Hour was co-founded by Samantha Norrie and Greg Smith having been inspired by over 2,500 mums from across Australia who have been connected via a single passion of elevating the well-being and enriching the lives of others. For over 20 years they have been working alongside each other, supporting each other and also assisting charities across Australia. Glow Hour is now a manifestation and higher purpose of their work. Many members of this unique group of women have recently suggested that perhaps a National Day could be created to mark a simple event like spending an hour just focusing on themselves and their mental health. The outcome was Glow Hour. But instead of an annual day. They all thought it would be more powerful to launch on June 21, 2024 but with an ongoing view for those who engage in Glow Hour on a regular basis as once a year is just not enough for mental health. Please note - Each and everyone of these mums know exactly how fragile the balance is within their immediate, extended family and friends network. That's why Glow Hour was formed. To simply stop and reset - as regularly as needed be that fortnightly, monthly or whatever suits best