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Skyrocketing demand for flexible workspaces: cutting costs and enhancing staff environments

Announcement posted by Invigorate PR 25 Jun 2024

With many workplaces still struggling to bring their entire workforce back into the office post COVID, finally some businesses now have a solution that not only entices workers back to the office but also supports improved mental health.


According to the latest research, shared and flexible workspaces significantly benefit staff mental health, explained Brett McAllen, CEO of @WORKSPACES, a leading Australian provider of premium flexible shared workspace hubs which offer private and serviced offices as well as coworking arrangements.


Centres are located in hand-picked prime locations across Australia and overseas and are experiencing significant growth due to strong demand for flexible workspaces from a wide range of businesses and organisations keen to step away from expensive long-term fixed lease arrangements. They are also seeing firsthand the key trends impacting workplaces across the country.


"The latest research supports what we have been seeing for a number of years and that is that working environments that support the colocation of businesses in one centre experience much improved levels of staff happiness and job satisfaction," McAllen said.


Reasons why shared and coworking environments experience improved mental health.


Reduced isolation


"One of the major drawbacks of remote work and single business offices is the potential for social isolation. Shared and flexible workspace hubs provide opportunities for social interaction and collaboration among staff, helping to alleviate feelings of loneliness and isolation," McAllen said.


"Flexible shared workspaces are a hive of activity where many people meet and network. This provides positive working experiences and naturally lifts morale as a result."


Sense of community


"Flexible shared workspaces also foster a sense of community and belonging. Being part of a diverse group of professionals can create a supportive environment where employees feel connected and valued," McAllen said.


"In fact, many people develop significant professional networks in these environments as well as mentor mentee relationships."


Work life balance


"Shared flexible workspaces help establish a clear boundary between work and home life. This separation can reduce stress and prevent burnout by ensuring that workers have distinct environments for work and relaxation," McAllen said.


"@WORKSPACES offers many shared areas such as outdoor spaces, breakout areas, elaborate kitchen and cafeteria spaces with coffee facilities such as an espresso machine, quiet rooms, and even yoga and stretching areas. There are plenty of spaces for staff to access in order to experience and enjoy some down time."


Access to amenities and resources


"Many shared flexible workspace centres and hubs offer amenities such as fitness centers, relaxation areas and wellness programs. These resources can help employees manage stress, stay active and maintain overall well-being," McAllen said.


"Our brand of workspaces certainly offers many of these amenities. In most cases, these facilities are either in the building or located nearby," McAllen said.


Improved productivity and focus


"A well-designed flexible working space can provide an environment conducive to productivity and focus, with fewer distractions than working from home. This can lead to a sense of accomplishment and reduce work-related stress," McAllen said.


Opportunities for personal and professional growth


"Shared working spaces often host events, workshops and networking opportunities that can contribute to personal and professional development. Engaging in these activities can enhance job satisfaction and mental well-being," McAllen said.


"It is provides a dynamic environment full of professional and social engagement and interaction which is important for mental health."


Creative and inspiring atmosphere


"The dynamic and often aesthetically pleasing design of coworking spaces can stimulate creativity and innovation. An inspiring work environment can boost morale and mental health," McAllen said.


"At @WORKSPACES we invest significant time and resources into design, layout and aesthetics including colours, lighting and features. This ensures that our shared work centres are spaces for optimal creativity and positivity."


Supportive network


"Being surrounded by other professionals can provide a built-in support network. Employees can share experiences, advice and encouragement, which can be particularly beneficial during challenging times," McAllen said.

Flexibility and autonomy


"Shared and flexible working hubs often offer flexible working arrangements, allowing employees to choose when and where they work within the space. This flexibility can reduce stress and improve work satisfaction," McAllen said.


Opportunities for social interaction


"Regular social interaction, even in a professional setting, can improve mood and reduce stress. Shared flexible working spaces facilitate these interactions, whether through casual conversations, group projects, or organised social events," he added.


Breaks and leisure activities


"Many coworking spaces include areas for breaks and leisure activities, such as game rooms or lounges. Taking regular breaks and engaging in leisure activities can help reduce stress and improve mental health," McAllen added.


McAllen emphasised that overall, shared flexible working hubs create a supportive, engaging, and flexible work environment that can positively impact employees' mental health by providing social interaction, a sense of community, clear work-life boundaries and access to wellness resources.


"On top of this, locating a business into a shared flexible workspace centre not only eliminates the cost of long term expensive leasing delivering operating efficiencies, it also provides additional resources at a fraction of the cost due to the shared nature of usage. Overall shared flexible workspaces are a win win solution for everyone - businesses and staff," McAllen said.




@WORKSPACES is a premium service provider of coworking and private office workspaces that are strategically located near fitness centres, parks and dining and shopping precincts, so business clients are able to maintain a healthy work/life balance, and not fall into the sedentary lifestyle associated with traditional offices. Offices are located in CBD and suburban sites across the country.

