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4 Tips for Choosing the Perfect Mirror Shape for Your Floating Cabinet

Announcement posted by Affordable Training 27 Jun 2024

Mirrors serve more than a practical purpose. The right mirror can elevate your floating cabinet, making it a focal point in your space. But how do you choose the perfect shape? This guide will walk you through four essential tips to help you make a stylish and functional choice.

Tip 1 - Consider the Room's Style

The first step in choosing a mirror shape is to consider the style of the room where the floating cabinet is located.

Match the Decor

If your room has a contemporary style, a sleek, geometric mirror might be the best choice. For more traditional spaces, an ornate, oval mirror could be perfect. The goal is to ensure that the mirror enhances rather than clashes with your existing architectural style.

Complement the Finish

Pay attention to the finishes and materials of your floating cabinet. A wooden cabinet pairs well with a mirror in a wooden frame, whereas a metal cabinet might look better with a minimalist, frameless mirror.

Reflect Your Personality

Your home is a reflection of your personality. Choose a mirror shape that speaks to you and aligns with your taste.

Tip 2 - Size and Placement

The size and placement of your mirror are just as important as its shape.

Measure Your Space

Before purchasing, measure the wall space above your floating cabinet. This ensures that the mirror will fit perfectly without overwhelming the room or the cabinet itself.

Eye Level Consideration

Position the mirror at eye level. This not only makes it functional but also enhances the visual appeal. The center of the mirror should be approximately 57-65 inches from the floor.

Avoid Clutter

A large, ornate mirror might look stunning, but if it's too big for the space, it can make the room feel cluttered. Balance is key. Choose a mirror size that complements the cabinet without overpowering it.

Tip 3 - Shape Options

Different shapes can create different effects, so think about what you want to achieve with your mirror.

Classic Rectangles

Rectangular mirrors are versatile and timeless. They work well in almost any decor style and can make a room feel taller when placed vertically or wider when placed horizontally.

Elegant Ovals

Oval mirrors add a soft, elegant touch to your decor. They are perfect for traditional or romantic settings and can soften the lines of a strictly modern space, adding a touch of sophistication. This is why oval mirrors for bathrooms are popular for aesthetic appeal.

Bold Circles

Circular mirrors are bold and trendy. They act as a standout piece and can break up the monotonous straight lines of furniture, adding a dynamic element to your decor.

Tip 4 - Frame and No-Frame Options

The frame of your mirror can significantly impact its overall look.

Framed Mirrors

A framed mirror can add depth and character. Choose a frame that complements the materials and finishes of your floating cabinet. Wooden frames work well with rustic or traditional decor, while metal frames suit modern or industrial styles.

Frameless Mirrors

For a clean, minimalist look, opt for a frameless mirror. These mirrors blend seamlessly into any decor and can make a small space feel larger by creating the illusion of more space.

Improve Your Floating Cabinet

Choosing the perfect mirror shape for your floating cabinet involves a balance of style, size, shape, and framing options. By following these tips, you can find a mirror that not only enhances your floating cabinet but also elevates your entire space.

Remember, your mirror choice should reflect your personality and taste. Take your time, and explore your options.

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