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New book release: Happy at Work: A Practical Guide to Overcoming Workplace Psychological Harassment

Announcement posted by Franchise Insider 01 Jul 2024

Transforming Workplace Psychological Violence to Workplace Psychosocial Safety

Psychological violence is widespread in Australia, and it doesn't end when we go to work. According to a recent Lloyd's World Risk Poll of 120 countries, Australia and New Zealand have the highest reported levels of workplace violence and bullying. 


Happy at Work: A Practical Guide to Overcoming Workplace Psychological Harassment offers powerful solutions, equipping readers with tools and strategies to combat psychological abuse, build resilience, and create psycho-socially safe work environments. Tackling the growing epidemic of workplace bullying head-on, the book unpacks the tactics, impacts, and challenges associated with psychological abuse at work. It sheds light on why perpetrators are rewarded, targets are vilified, and employers often fail to take adequate action. Because psycho-social safety is an issue that targets cannot be expected to solve on their own, the book is also a call to leaders and bystanders to act with courage, humility, and respect.

This essential guide empowers both individuals and organizations, providing practical strategies for:

  • Identifying and effectively responding to abusive behaviours.
  • Building resilience and fostering a sense of purpose in the face of harassment.
  • Shifting the dynamics of toxic teams to foster collaboration and respect.
  • Understanding the legal landscape surrounding workplace harassment.
  • Implementing effective solutions within organizations to create cultures of accountability and support.

'Happy at Work offers a lifeline for anyone who has experienced workplace bullying,' says Dr. Spencer, 'and a roadmap to reclaiming our well-being, building healthier work environments, and ultimately thriving in our careers. Urgent environmental and social challenges require us to work together. We need to support, rather than undermine and destroy each other at work.'

About the Author:

Dr. Elizabeth Crawford Spencer, BS, MCRP, JD, PhD, a recognized legal expert in workplace relations, is dedicated to helping build and maintain safe, happy, and meaningful work environments. She is a lawyer and educator with over two decades of experience in small business law and power dynamics in business settings. A leading advocate for equity in commercial law and conflict transformation, she believes in the importance of trust and balanced collaboration in the workplace.

For more information about Happy at Work, to request a review copy or to schedule an interview please contact: