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Why You Should Use Your Car Aircon in Winter

Announcement posted by Swim Fun 10 Sep 2024

As the temperature drops and winter settles in, most drivers instinctively reach for the heater. But what if I told you that using your car aircon in winter is actually beneficial? Here's why keeping things dehumidified can keep your car running smoothly when the weather warms up.

Think Beyond Cooling

While you won't be blasting cold air, your A/C plays a vital role in winter by acting as a dehumidifier. Here's the science:

  • Foggy Windows? No More! Ever battled a foggy windscreen on a frosty morning? Moisture in the car's interior condenses on the cold glass, obstructing your view. Turning on the A/C with the heater (often the "defrost" setting) removes this moisture, clearing the windows quickly and safely.

  • Preserving the System: Your A/C system relies on a delicate balance of refrigerant and oil to keep everything lubricated. When the system sits unused for months, these components can dry out, leading to leaks and costly repairs come summer. Running the A/C for short periods keeps things lubricated and prevents this.

  • Mold and Mildew Busters: Without regular use, moisture can accumulate in the A/C system, creating a breeding ground for mould and mildew. This can lead to unpleasant odours and even health problems. Regular use helps prevent this build-up.

How Often Should I Use My Car's A/C in Winter?

You don't need to run it constantly, but experts recommend using it for 5-10 minutes every few weeks. This is enough to circulate the refrigerant and oil, preventing them from drying out.

Are There Any Downsides?

There's a slight increase in fuel consumption when the A/C is on. However, this is minimal compared to the potential repair costs if your system fails due to neglect.

Bonus Tip: Consider having your car's A/C serviced during winter. While not mandatory, a winter service can identify any potential issues before they become major problems when you need the A/C most.

Prevent AC Damage. Turn Your AC On.

So, the next time you're in your car on a chilly day, don't be afraid to turn on the A/C for a few minutes. It's a small investment that can save you big headaches (and expenses) down the track!