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Infohrm Helps Organisations Respond To New Era of Talent Management With Launch of TalentFlow Analytics

Announcement posted by Infohrm 14 May 2009

Sophisticated Modeling Application Improves Talent Management Decision-Making Through Impact Measures of Workforce Mobility
Brisbane, May 14, 2009 – Infohrm, the global leader in workforce planning, reporting and analytics solutions, today announced the launch of a powerful analytical capability that will significantly improve how organisations track and model movement of talent.

In today’s economy, most organisations are facing declining revenues, shrinking margins, dramatically reduced internal budgets, and, in many cases, significant reductions in their workforce. Business leaders need to address difficult challenges, from analysing which talent segments can most impact business results, to maximising the flow of talent into critical roles and hard-to-fill leadership positions.

Infohrm’s new TalentFlow Analytics SaaS application provides users with a powerful new analytical capability built upon advanced data transformation and displayed through sophisticated visualisations. Its modelling capabilities enable business leaders, HR executives, and line managers to truly understand how the movement of talent through the organisation impacts hiring decisions, cost models, career-pathing initiatives, succession plans, and risk management.

TalentFlow Analytics simplifies the measurement of complex organisational mobility in one simple visual display across any workforce segment, business unit, location, or job family. End-users can select from a range of metrics (hires, transfers, promotions, terminations, etc.) to customise the views and drill into the results. Using this application will enable any organisation reliant upon human capital as a source of competitive advantage to model their current and future workforce needs.

“In this current economic environment, expertise in workforce planning and analytics has never been more important”, said Anastasia Ellerby, Managing Director, Infohrm. “Without the right data-driven analytical models, business leaders are essentially “flying blind” when it comes to making mission-critical, and expensive, talent management decisions. TalentFlow Analytics provides powerful insights about how workforce mobility impacts measures of financial, risk, and operational performance.”

About the Infohrm Workforce Reporting & Analytics Program
Infohrm’s membership program provides the methodology, tools, training, advice, coaching, and technology to support your in-house workforce analytics and reporting function. Infohrm manages the extraction of workforce and business data from to deliver a state-of-the art, user friendly, web-based interface that facilitates automated reporting, key performance indicator tracking, issue-based analytics, and workforce segmentation. Leveraging Infohrm’s consulting and training services ensures that HR professionals are fully equipped to design and deliver workforce metrics, reports, and analytics to audiences across the organisation.

About Infohrm
Infohrm is the global leader in on-demand workforce planning, reporting, and human capital analytics solutions. With over 25 years of experience, and a strong customer base consisting of Fortune 1000, non-profit, and government clients, Infohrm has paved the way for organisations to measure the impact of human capital initiatives and drive business results. The Infohrm solutions couple leading edge software with strategic consulting and HR professional development services that focus on the analysis of data to help organisations make informed decisions around human capital practices.

Learn more at www.infohrm.com