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New Community Sustainability Research Service

Announcement posted by Connection Research 20 May 2009

Sydney, 20 May 2009 - How concerned are Australian households about climate change, and what do they think they and the community should do about it? How strong is their commitment to conserving water and power and reducing greenhouse gases? How is this translated into action? How will this affect service providers, vendors and utilities?

Connection Research has launched a new service to address these issues. Community Sustainability-Consumer Action and Behaviour is a new research and advisory service published by Connection Research, Australia's leading researcher into sustainability issues. Connection Research's reports on sustainable housing, domestic energy and water consumption patterns and the household use of technology have set new benchmarks in research into this increasingly important area. The key to our analysis is primary research-surveying consumers about what they are thinking and what they are doing.

Through a series of timely surveys, reports and research briefs the Community Sustainability service will keep you informed about changes in household attitudes and actions. Subscribers will receive a major report each quarter, one on each of the service's four research areas:

-Energy Consumption and Conservation: How do Australian households use, consume and conserve energy? What are their key motivators?
How important are key drivers and inhibitors?

-Technology in the Home: What electronic and electrical devices are in use in homes? How are they used, and when? Are people using technology to save energy, or waste it?

-Water Usage and Conservation: What are the key issues in domestic water usage? How concerned are consumers about saving water? Who
has tanks and third pipe plumbing, and why?

-Domestic Waste: How do consumers manage their domestic waste? How much do they recycle? What are their attitudes towards council rubbish removal services?

Each 50 page report will contain primary research data, based on original research of over 1000 Australian households on consumer attitudes and behaviour, specific to the relevant research area. It will also contain a Market Overview, analysis market dynamics, and identify opportunities and Action. Subscribers will also receive a monthly research update, an 8-page research note highlight key developments-and their consequences-in each of the four research areas.

A highlight of the service deliverables will be the Australian Domestic Sustainability Atlas, which will follow on from Connection Research's successful Digital Atlas of Australia. The Atlas will detail domestic usage of sustainable technologies across Australia's 65 Statistical Regions.

About Connection Research

Connection Research is an Australian market research and consultancy company specialising in analysis of sustainability issues. Services are provided in four interrelated areas:

-Consumer and Community Sustainability: Usage of and attitudes towards energy and water at the domestic and community levels

-Green ICT: Reducing the energy consumption of information and communications technology, and the usage of ICT to reduce the carbon impact of households and organisations

-Building Industry and Trades: Sustainable and green building products, attitudes and actions of building trades people and suppliers, home automation and digital technology in the home

-Carbon and Compliance: The green collar workforce, carbon measurement and monitoring, carbon footprint abatement practices.

Connection Research undertakes primary research (surveys of users, trades people, suppliers, practitioners), conducts market modelling analyses (combining our primary data with other sources) and consultancy in these fields.


For more information, contact Graeme Philipson (research director)
0418 609 397
