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Australia's National ICT Careers Week 27 July – 1 August 2009

Announcement posted by Australian Information Industry Association 15 Jun 2009

ICT: Start Here, Go Anywhere

The AIIA is announcing today the launch of ICT Careers Week which takes place from 27 July – 1 August 2009.

According to the Access Economic report, adopting smart technologies in five key areas [electricity, irrigation, health, transport and broadband communications] of the economy will add more than 70,000 jobs to the economy in 2014.

With the rollout of the National Broadband Network, direct job creation can be expected in four key areas:  IT Managers, IT Professionals, Telecommunications Managers and Specialists and skilled labour to deploy and service cable.

Despite the global financial crisis, the AIIA is positive about the job prospects for the ICT industry as ICT is taking an increased role in many areas of businesses.

If you would like to speak to AIIA about job prospects in the ICT industry and the ICT Careers Week, please contact Max Australia.

12 June 2009

National ICT Careers Week – under the theme ICT: Start Here, Go Anywhere – will be held from 27 July to 1 August 2009 to showcase the extensive and rewarding study and career opportunities currently available in ICT for young people.


Businesses, industry and professional bodies, education institutions, and government agencies will again join together to present the National ICT Careers Week. The Week is an initiative of the ICT Industry Leadership Group co-hosted by the Australian Computer Society (ACS) and the Australian Information Industry Association (AIIA) to promote ICT study and careers.


During the ICT Careers Week, participating organisations will host events and activities promoting the benefits of post-school ICT studies for school students, and of careers in ICT for graduates.


Last year, we had more than 70 organisations across Australia join us to promote the exciting and dynamic career opportunities available in Australia’s ICT industry. The 2009 National ICT Careers Week will be similarly successful,” said Ms Penny Coulter, Chair of the Careers Week Steering Committee.

“National ICT Careers Week will broaden the horizons of young school leavers who may not have considered undertaking ICT studies or the possibilities that surround a career in the ICT industry,” said Ms Coulter.


“Working in ICT is not just about sitting at a desk in front of a computer. There’s a world of opportunity for young people to become leaders and team players in almost any field of high-technology they choose. ICT provides rewarding and dynamic career opportunities and advancement in many of Australia’s economic, community and social aspirations into the future,” concluded Ms Coulter.


ACS Chairman Kumar Parakala explains “What has becoming increasingly obvious during the global financial crisis is that technology is clearly core to a company’s efficiency and productivity– companies cannot get by without technology, and therefore there is great demand for ICT professionals.”


Mr Parakala advised, “What is a unique advantage for ICT professionals is that there are no boundaries to what industry you can work in.  ICT professionals are in demand in banking and commerce, the minerals processing and mining sectors, agriculture, primary, secondary and tertiary education, business, the environmental and energy sectors, manufacturing and media and entertainment, and that’s just to name a few.”


”Current and future generations of Australian ICT professionals will be engaged in solving many of the most of the significant problems we face today – whether that is addressing impact of global warming, improving access to critical health services, or improving corporate governance systems,” said Mr Parakala.


AIIA CEO Ian Birks said, “With the rollout of a high-speed national broadband, the range of job opportunities related to creating a new smart economy in Australia is set to explode. The next generation of ICT jobs will be defined by the next generation of ICT students – and the sky is the limit. ”


“National ICT Careers Week is about getting young people, their parents and their teachers excited about what ICT study and work has to offer. Many people would be surprised at where an ICT qualification can take them – it is like a passport to the world,” concluded Mr Birks.


National ICT Careers week will be held during the week 27 July to 1 August 2009 across Australia.








Information about the participating organisations


Organisations together with their events and activities are listed on the National ICT Career Week web site www.ictcareersweek.info


The web site is being constantly updated with new registrants and ICT week activities.


For further information, please contact:


Rhett Somers
Australian Information Industry Association (AIIA)
Phone: (02) 6281 9413

Email r.somers@aiia.com.au  


Gabriel Wong

Max Australia
Phone: (02) 9954 3492

Email gabriel.wong@maxaustralia.com.au