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Announcement posted by WhatsOnSale.com.au 17 Jun 2009

Australia’s fastest growing online retail hub to broadcast the latest sales on offer this stocktake sale season.
WhatsOnSale.com.au, Australia’s fastest growing online retail hub, announced today that they will be broadcasting daily news of stocktake sales commencing Monday June 15 throughout the stocktake season to Sunday July 12. For the first time, this gives customers a central online retail destination to stay abreast of breaking sales information and news.

Pat Walsh, founder of WhatsOnSale.com.au comments “Feedback we’ve received from our clients indicate consumers are increasingly looking for value. With over 6 million Australians now shopping online daily, the trend of consumers starting their shopping online is one we expect to continue to grow strongly through 2009 and beyond.”

ABS Retail Trade data for March 2009 showed Australian retail sales grew by 2.2% vs. February 2009. In addition to this seasonally adjusted result, the Westpac-Melbourne Institute’s index of consumer sentiment rose 12.7%. This increase is the largest monthly increase in 22 years, pointing to stronger consumer confidence and optimism in the direction of the economy.

Elly Patterson, General Manager of WhatsOnSale.com.au comments “This year we expect to see a record number of sales and promotional events around the mid-year stocktake season as retailers seek to maintain their foothold in this economic downturn and appeal to value shoppers. By placing aggregated stocktake sale information on our website, we’re making it easier for Australians to find out where the best sales are, all in the one place.”

For further information about WhatsOnSale please visit http://www.whatsonsale.com.au/, or our new dedicated stocktake site http://www.stocktakesales.com.au/ .


About WhatsOnSale.com.au
With over 340,000 shopping searches conducted per month, WhatsOnSale.com.au is Australia's fastest growing retail destination website. Founded in late-2007, the company has teams in both Sydney and Melbourne, and is launching in Brisbane during Q3 2009.

WhatsOnSale.com.au provides retailers with an online marketing and communication solutions. Over 400 retailers have joined WhatsOnSale in the last 8 months, with current clients including Fletcher Jones, mantoman, Ted’s Cameras and Brands United to name a few.

About the data:
ABS data referenced in this release can be found at http://www.abs.gov.au/AUSSTATS/abs@.nsf/mf/8501.0
Nielsen data referenced in this release can be found at http://au.nielsen.com/site/documents/CCAUST-apr09final.pdf
Westpac-Melbourne Institute data referenced in this release can be found at http://www.melbourneinstitute.com/research/macro/PressReleaseCSI20090610.pdf