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Announcement posted by Realview 24 Jun 2009

Job cuts feared but digital can preserve skills, enhance existing talent

Print publishers are counting the cost of Australia Post's latest round of rate hikes with some expressing concern about possible job losses, but Australia's leading digital publishing service provider Realview says the right strategy will fully leverage existing talent and develop it even further.

The discipline of combining the visual communications skills inherent to the print industry with multimedia is described in the digital publishing sector as 'unified media'. This is because digital publications bring static graphics (print style), audio-visual (broadcast style) and data (web style) media in a single 'unified' digital environment that has the same look and feel as a print publication but performs like a website.

"Unified media production requires the visual communications discipline inherent in print but does not require the specialized programming, coding or design expertise needed for the development of web environments," explains Realview’s CEO, Mr. Richard Lindley.  "The right digital publishing service solution will ensure publishers make great use of their existing print production talent and will further expand their skills into multimedia production, without the need to become experts in content management systems, Flash or HTML programming."

Industry experts agree. Mr. John Blondin is an industry veteran with nearly 30 years in the game and is the former Chairman of Publishers Australia. He has publishing interests on both sides of the Tasman and is often engaged by the industry to determine a market price for print titles if sold.  Mr. Blondin says his advice for the past few years has consistently urged print publishers to extend their brands into digital editions that can deliver efficiency gains, circulation increases, reduced postal costs and added value for websites.

“Those affected by the postal cost increases would do well to work with service providers that understand how to use unified media platforms. It's not merely a question of creating a digital version of a publication, it's about helping publishers fully leverage existing skills and generate a positive revenue result from a move to unified media,” says Mr. Blondin. "Publishers need to understand how unified media creates print and online efficiencies, creates additional selling points and delivers additional content depth for websites,” says Mr. Blondin.

Publishers using Realview Unified Media include those sold on newsstands and delivered by mail.  Most recently, Adelaide’s Fairfax aligned Independent Weekly has soft launched the InDaily as a digital daily news publication, which has attracted 2,000 additional reader registrations in less than a month.

In the period leading up to the July 6th rate hikes, Realview is offering all affected publishers a reduced rate for service, which includes the removal of set up fees and an offer to create an account credit equal to the cost of mailing a print edition for every digital subscriber.
