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Rubik Financial is the first ASX listed carbon neutral company

Announcement posted by Rubik Financial Limited 16 Sep 2009

Rubik Financial Limited (ASX: RFL) is the first company on the ASX accredited as carbon neutral as awarded by the Carbon Reduction Institute.

Sydney, Australia – Wednesday 16th September, 2009

Rubik Financial Limited (ASX: RFL) is the first company on the ASX accredited as carbon neutral as awarded by the Carbon Reduction Institute.

For the past six months Rubik Financial, the Bank-in-a-Box technology provider, has been working with the Carbon Reduction Institute (CRI) to understand its carbon footprint.

The CRI audit assessed Rubik electricity usage, business flights, fuel usage, waste, staff business travel and commuting and the embodied emissions in assets and expenses.

“As a result of the audit, Rubik made the decision to become carbon neutral. All emissions are now offset by purchasing carbon credits from the Karnataka Renewable Energy Project in India,” says Rubik CEO, Brent Jackson.

The Karnataka Renewable Energy Project generates renewable energy from clean burning waste agricultural products such as rice husks. This ensures residual crops do not rot and produce methane. The energy generated negates the need for electricity produced from fossil fuel. Local farmers are paid for the waste, providing them with additional income. The project reduces greenhouse gas emission by more than 30,000 tonnes of CO2 per year.

“The team at Rubik is proud to not only reduce our carbon footprint but to also contribute to a better community for the farmers involved in the Karnataka Project,” continues Jackson.

“Many of Rubik customers are credit unions. By the nature of their business, credit unions tend to be socially and environmentally aware. Many are active in sustainability and community driven projects. It is important to Rubik that our ethos and actions complement those of our customers,” explains Jackson.

“Companies using Rubik technology now have peace of mind that the solutions they providing to their customers has produced no emissions,” says Jackson.


About Rubik Financial Limited (Rubik)

Rubik is an Australian public company delivering a flexible, low-cost, hosted “Bank-in-a-Box” technology platform to financial services institutions.

Rubik has market capitalisation of over $20M, over 70 staff and a customer base of 166 Australian Deposit Taking Institutions (ADIs), 15 New Zealand financial institutions and 31 other international financial institutions spread over 16 countries. Rubik also has 75 other customers spread across pharma, local government, utilities, Telco's etc where they have the requirements for card, payments, or collections capabilities.

More information: www.rubik.com.au

About The Carbon Reduction Institute (CRI)

The Carbon Reduction Institute is committed to enabling every individual and organisation to take real and effective action to reduce their impact on the climate.

Our mission is to create and initiate greenhouse gas reduction strategies, and to drive business and individuals to do the same. The Carbon Reduction Institute is Sydney based and services clients in every state of Australia and internationally. We are one of the most experienced and knowledgeable carbon management consultancies and offer a full suite of services to corporations, small businesses and individuals.

More information: www.NoCO2.com.au