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Fear Of The Internet by Local Businesses Prompts Help From International Online Marketing Consultant

Announcement posted by Best Business Marketing Online 10 Nov 2009

Margie Iafeta, an International Marketing Consultant, is coming to the rescue of local business owners who are afraid of the internet and the so-called high end technology.

Nov 09, 2009 – Gold Coast, AUSTRALIA – A local Internet Marketing expert has decided to “give away the farm” by offering over $12,000 in free website design and marketing to get local businesses online.

Margie Iafeta, General Manager of Best Business Marketing Online, “International Online Marketing Consultants” says, “In recent times, Business Owners are losing big profits by not being on the internet. A majority of them fear the technology of the internet and fear the unknown. This is costing their business big time in market share. A lack of education about the power of the internet prevents most businesses taking that first step to success.

The economic downturn has affected thousands of businesses throughout Australia and thousands more are heading that way.

Businesses are suffering and heading towards closure in the near future. They know they need to do something different now if they are to avoid business failure, which in turn affects their families and employees.

A lot of small and medium Business owners have shown they don't understand the internet and are fearful of not knowing what to do or where to go to learn. They tend to think they have to go back to school or university to learn what it takes to get their business online and to learn how to use the internet to increase their customers and sales.

Businesses don't trust the internet because they don't know what it will do for their business. They would rather carry on as normal watching their business deteriorate. They know that 'normal' isn't doing anything beneficial for them but are too afraid to try anything different.

It is this fear that is paralyzing for the small and medium business owner. They fear the unknown and also fear the known, which is the ultimate failure of their business. So which fear is the greater? Obviously for most of them, it is the fear of the unknown.

Miss Iafeta says "The small and medium business owners need to be educated about the internet and shown that it is not a big ugly monster that will swallow them up. They need to be led by the hand and shown a step by step process of how to get on the internet quickly and simply.

The internet is the most powerful advertising and marketing platform in the world at present. The most amazing thing is that the internet is still very young in its development. The internet is here to stay. If you’re (business) not online, you can bet your competitors are!”

To get on an even playing field with their competitors, all business needs to be on the internet.

Miss Iafeta says, “This is where we come in. We are offering a special One Day Internet Marketing Workshop called "How To Get Started On The Internet". Our Step by Step process will show business owners how simple it is to get their business online and how to drive targeted qualified leads to them.”

A Platinum Marketing package valued at $12,000 will be given away.

A business owner from the audience will be selected at random and a Marketing Website related to their industry will be created LIVE from stage.

This is a limited time offer and is only open to people that attend the Workshop on November 29, 2009 at Mantra Legends Hotel in Surfers Paradise, Gold Coast, Australia. Miss Iafeta states, “Frankly, this is the best time for anyone who is thinking of getting a website designer for their business because they will get one from us for less than cost.”

To learn more about this unique offer you can call Margie Iafeta on +61 450121434, and find out how you can get a free website for your business.

Interested parties will be seen on a first come first served basis only. No exceptions.

Go to: http://www.bestbusinessmarketingonline.com
Register your seat now as numbers are strictly limited.