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Infosys opens its first office in NZ

Announcement posted by Infosys Australia 11 Dec 2009

Melbourne, Australia: Friday 11 December 2009 – Global IT services and outsourcing company, Infosys Technologies, has established official premises in New Zealand, opening its first office in Wellington.

The company’s new NZ headquarters was chosen for its proximity to Infosys’ major clients such as Telecom NZ (“Telecom”), which has part of its IT operations based out of Wellington. Up to 100 Infosys employees will operate from NZ at any one time, spread across client sites and the new office.

Jackie Korhonen, CEO and Managing Director of Infosys in Australia and New Zealand, explained: “Our business in New Zealand has grown steadily over the last 12 months, so we wanted to be closer to the action.

“New Zealand is an important market for us and we’ll be pursuing both new business and partnership opportunities in the New Year as well as continuing to service our existing clients,” Korhonen added.

Infosys is currently implementing a major project with Telecom to establish a best-of-breed testing services capability, which will help it become more agile in New Zealand’s increasingly competitive telco market.

Telecom selected Infosys to help it reduce its testing timeline by 15 per cent and associated costs by up to 20 per cent, while at the same time greatly increasing its testing rigour.

Bradley de Souza, GM of Technology Operations for Telecom, commented: “Testing is where the rubber hits the road in the product development cycle and is a key checkpoint before any new product or service can be delivered to market.

“We are raising our testing game in terms of quality processes and skills, leveraging Infosys’ international best practices and expertise to build a world-class testing capability.

“Our ability to get products out to market quickly and competitively is fundamental to our business success and will provide a key competitive advantage,” de Souza added.

“Ultimately, it will help us deliver a better experience to customers and greater shareholder value.”

For more information on Infosys’ New Zealand office, visit: http://www.infosys.com/contact/Pages/country.aspx?source=home&country=New%20Zealand
