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Watchdog installs Optenet OST System to Enhance Managed Service for New Zealand Schools

Announcement posted by Watchdog International 03 Mar 2010

Watchdog Corporation Ltd, the leading provider of managed internet services to New Zealand schools, has recently installed Optenet's Solutions for Telco (OST) system within its network to enhance its offering.  

This managed internet service, branded CampusNet, is one of two services funded by the NZ Ministry of Education for schools.  It has been chosen by over 1350 schools covering some 350,000 students, and consists of email filtering, web filtering and a managed firewall. It ensures that students are not exposed to inappropriate material on the internet and keeps school networks secure as well as managing spam.  The new Optenet system offers a much improved user interface and reporting than the previous service to allow schools to more easily configure it to their individual requirements. 

Optenet’s OST is an integrated Security-as-a-Service offering for service providers, consisting of appliances that can operate in various modes to suit different networks.  Watchdog’s installation is configured in “sniffer mode” where the filtering appliances monitor the traffic so are not part of the network path.  This way they have no effect on network performance and are totally fail-safe.  They are providing web filtering, ads free browsing, anti-phishing, application firewall and reporting functions configured through an individual control panel for each school.

Watchdog Corporation’s sister company, Watchdog International Ltd, which distributes Optenet's products in the Asia/Pacific region, installed the system.  Watchdog's installation is the first for Optenet in the region.

Watchdog Corporation’s Managing Director, Rohan Meuli, says "Although we used technology supplied by one of our group companies the product had to stand on its own merit.  The Optenet system offers the functionality, performance, flexibility and value for money that we require to provide a high-quality service to our schools..”

Watchdog International's Managing Director, Peter Mancer, says "Installing this system within one of our own companies has given us valuable experience that we can pass on to our customers.  We are excited about the opportunities for Optenet in the region and are already working with a number of prospects.”

Optenet's Director of Direct Marketing, Jean-Philippe Fortier, says “Optenet is pleased to have a major educational installation in Australasia using our OST system.  We have chosen Watchdog as a distributor for the region because of its experience, expertise and focus on the value-added ISP service area.   Optenet is committed to internet safety for children so this installation is in line with our values.”

Patrick Dunford, IT Technician of Hillview Christian School located in Taupo in the Bay of Plenty, says "Watchdog's new filtering system is much easier to use than the previous one and it enables me to quickly control the filtering at our school.  The new reporter gives me more visibility on what is happening on our connection."

About Optenet

Optenet is a global IT security company that provides intelligent, integrated content security solutions to service providers and large enterprises worldwide. Optenet’s technology protects 75 million end users around the globe, including the customers of many of the world’s leading ISPs and mobile operators, as well as employees of global enterprise organizations.

Since its founding in 1997, Optenet has experienced over 50% revenue growth each year. At present, more than half of all global telecom operators and millions of users worldwide use Optenet technology. Optenet has offices throughout the United States, Europe, the Middle East and Latin America.  www.optenet.com

About Watchdog Corporation Ltd

Formed in 1999, Watchdog Corporation was the first Internet Service Provider to provide filtered Internet access for families, schools, and businesses in New Zealand. Watchdog is accredited by the NZ Ministry of Education to provide Managed Internet Services (CampusNet) to all state and state-integrated schools free of charge.  It is also Google’s education partner in New Zealand providing support and integration services to schools. www.watchdog.net.nz

About Watchdog International Ltd

Part of the Watchdog Group, Watchdog International Ltd is a specialist in internet filtering and security technologies. It is the regional distributor for leading security technologies for which it provides integration services. It also provides hosted security services in Australasia and the UK. www.watchdoginternational.net

For more information contact Shuna Boyd at BoydPR:

shuna@boydpr.com.au or +61 2 9418 8100.