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Data Center Designer Appoints Appoints High Profile Directors

Announcement posted by AFCOM 21 Apr 2010


       STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS GEARS UP FOR DATA CENTER GROWTH - APPOINTS TWO HIGH PROFILE BOARD MEMBERS - Dr Leo Keliher AO former Director-General of the Department of Premier and Cabinet in Queensland and Mr Paul Stevens formerly Chief Executive Officer of Gold Coast City Council.

       Earlier this month Strategic Directions was invited to sit on the internationally recognised “Think Tank”, the Data Centre Institute of AFCOM, the world’s largest independent data centre user’s forum. AFCOM members include most of North America’s Fortune 500 Companies, plus many Government Agencies and NGOs. Recently AFCOM announced plans to expand into the Europe and Asia Pacific Regions.

(For more information please contact Managing Director Chris Goldstone 1300 786 566; PR Terry Quinn 0439 710 418 or go to www.strategicdirections.com.au)

With Asia Pacific Data Centers services demand predicted to grow - particularly in Australia and New Zealand - at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 14.8 per cent through to 2011, with revenues exceeding $US587.6 million, and no sign of any slowing down, (Source: Frost & Sullivan) specialist ICT Master Planners Strategic Directions Managing Director Chris Goldstone has announced the appointment of two high profile new Directors to handle his company’s expected accelerated growth.

“ Fellow Founding Director Mike Andrea and I are delighted to welcome Dr Leo Keliher AO former Director-General of the Department of Premier and Cabinet in Queensland and Mr Paul Stevens formerly Chief Executive Officer of Gold Coast City Council,”  Mr. Goldstone said today.

“Both Dr. Keliher and Mr. Stevens bring a depth of talent and years of corporate and government experience at the highest level to Strategic Directions as we embark on a period of growth we have not seen since Mike Andrea and I founded the company in 2003.”

The new Board appointees follow the apppointment of former ICT Management and Intelligence Analysis software marketing specialist Peter Bartlett to a newly created position of Business Development Executive to service a surge in State Government and major corporate business growth in Queensland. Strategic Directions is based at Greater Springfield where they are the ICT Master Planners. Earlier this month the City of Greater Springfield was recognised as Australia’s best master planned development by the National Urban Development Institute Association (UDIA) when the 2,860 hectare development was awarded both the Master-Planned Community Award as well as the most prestigious award of the night, The President’s Award.

“Strategic Directions is gaining international acclaim as a design authority of world class data centres,” Mr. Goldstone said.

“Tenants of the $220 million free standing, purpose built POLARIS Data Centre at Springfield  include the Queensland Government, NEC Australia, Suncorp Bank, and Bank of Queensland.  POLARIS incorporates several “green” initiatives and POLARIS and Strategic Directions was also the front page feature of AFCOM’s International Data Centre Magazine January Edition, which is distributed worldwide. The Company has been invited to sit on the International Data Cntre Institute of AFCOM, the world’s largest independent data centre users forum. AFCOM members include most of the Fortune 500 Companies, plus many Government Agencies and NGOs throughout North America, and is expanding into the Europe and Asia Pacific Regions.

Strategic Directions has recently designed a world’s best practice geothermal powered data centre (with zero carbon emissions) for Queensland based ASX Company Geodynamics, which has gained the attention of major international organisations.

“We are also involved in the design of a family of world class, energy efficient data centres, able to be powered by alternate energy sources and technologies, including wind, solar, biomass, gas and hydro.  Interest in this initiative is being shown by government and commercial organisations in Queensland, New South Wales, ACT, Victoria South Australia, Tasmania and the USA,” Mr. Goldstone said.

“With Data Centres already acknowledged as one of the heaviest industrial consumers of power around the world – the design of energy efficient, alternate energy data centres for the future is gaining the attention of Governments and organisations around the globe, and these facilities will be a critical part of the international communities’ drive to move to renewable energy power production and a reduction in carbon emissions.”

“Strategic Directions is increasingly being recognised internationally as being at the forefront of this important design technology.” Mr. Goldstone said.


The Strategic Directions Group are ICT Master Planners and Strategists, providing vendor independent strategic advice to Federal, State, and Local Government Agencies and ASX Companies. The Company maintains a specialist Data Centre design and planning Practice and has been involved in the design, development and operation of some of the most advanced data centres in the country. They were the design authority for the POLARIS data centre, one of only 5 data centres selected recently by the Federal Government, to provide Interim Data Centre space to major Government Agencies.  www.strategicdirections.com.au

New Directors Profiles in more detail:

Dr. Leo Keliher was born in Ipswich and educated at the Sacred Heart College in Gympie.  In 1968 he joined the State Government Insurance Office (now Suncorp) and transferred to Treasury Computer Centre - now CITEC (Centre for Information Technology and Communications).  After 20 years in the IT sector, Leo worked in executive positions with the Public Sector Management Commission before being appointed Director-General of the Department of Emergency Services. In August 1996 Leo took up the position of Commissioner and CEO of the NSW Department of Corrective Services and in November 2001 became Director-General of the Department of Premier and Cabinet in Queensland. After 4 years in this role he was appointed Chairman of the Service Delivery and Performance Commission. Since his retirement in 2008 Leo was appointed to the Board of Queensland Rail as well as undertaking consultancy work in the United Arab Emirates and with clients locally.

Paul Stevens was formerly Chief Executive Officer of Gold Coast City Council -  the second largest local government in Australia and the sixth largest city, which in 2003 had a population of some 460,000, an annual budget of the order of $600M and a workforce of over 2,500.Originally qualified in accounting in the late 1960’s, his interests quickly turned to management issues on a much broader scale and he held many senior positions in local government during his 36 year career in the public sector in both Qld and NSW. In July 2003, at 55 years of age, he resigned that position, ostensibly to retire from the workforce but that proved a little more difficult than envisaged.  He is presently General Manager of the Davbridge Group of Companies. He has extensive knowledge and experience across a very broad range of subject areas including financial management and control, human resources, contractual and project management. Paul remains heavily involved in the community and serves on numerous Boards, Committees, Trusts and Institutes.