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Elcom streamlines document management for businesses and government organisations

Announcement posted by Elcom 20 May 2010

CommunityManager.NET Version 7 integrates online content management with Microsoft Office, SharePoint and HP TRIM

Sydney, AUSTRALIA – 20 May 2010Elcom recently announced the launch of CommunityManager.NET Version 7, a complete web content management solution for organisations of all sizes. The new Platform integrates the management of online and offline content to eliminate the duplication of workload and delivers significant time savings. By enabling CommunityManager.NET sites to be integrated with Microsoft Office, SharePoint and HP TRIM, the solution streamlines document management across the business network and the Web.

“Today’s businesses are faced with multiple content repositories across online and offline platforms and there is currently little integration between these platforms,” said Anthony Milner, Product Director, Elcom. “Businesses are refreshing web content offline and then republishing to the internet leading to a duplication of effort, especially given the sheer volume of data created by modern organisations.”

“The latest release of CommunityManager.NET is designed to combat this issue, providing businesses with an affordable yet powerful tool for integrated content management,” continued Anthony.

Developed to simplify document management, some of the new modules available on CommunityManager.NET Version 7 include:

Microsoft Office Connector
Elcom’s enhanced Platform now enables integration between Community Manager’s document library and Microsoft Office. For the first time, users can access and edit web content from within Microsoft Office and save it directly back to a CommunityManager.NET site. Conversely, Microsoft Office documents can be edited from within CommunityManager.NET, eliminating the need to duplicate online and offline changes.

SharePoint Connector
CommunityManager.NET Version 7 provides a single point of management for SharePoint content and web content.  Pages, documents and images created within SharePoint can now be pushed out to a businesses’ web site, enabling content to be maintained and published to the Web from a single environment. SharePoint content can also be ‘mapped’ to CommunityManager.NET folders and automatically synchronised wherever mapped content is updated.

HP TRIM Connector
HP TRIM is one of the most popular document management systems used within government organisations. Its secure version control capabilities enable public bodies to comply with legislation around the storage and retention of content. However, government organisations have not traditionally been able to integrate web content with documents managed by HP TRIM.

CommunityManager.NET Version 7 lets organisations pull content out of TRIM and make it accessible on their website via a hyperlink. This easy to use system, allows government organisations to speedily publish web content, leading to huge operational efficiencies.

“Integrating HP TRIM with CommunityManager.NET sites will make it easier for us to provide end users with access to the documents they need on a day to day basis,” said Lyndal Hayward, Information and Publications Manager, The Audit Office of New South Wales. “There are three distinct benefits with this new feature. Firstly, data will reside within a user-friendly, CommunityManager.NET document library so that it can be accessed quickly without staff having to navigate a complex HP TRIM database. Secondly, by making TRIM data available online via hyperlinks, we will be able to streamline the publishing of web content.  Finally, we will be assured that the same version of a document resides both online and offline to comply with content management regulations.”

Email Publishing
With the introduction of an Email Publishing module, Elcom has developed an automated, time efficient process for the posting of online content. Non-technical users can now use email as a forum for publishing web content, saving time and eliminating the need for complex training. By sending an email to a specially configured mailbox, content will be automatically published to the businesses’ website along with attached images and documents. Standard templates are used to ensure that content is published in a consistent and professional manner.

Elcom’s CommunityManager.NET Platform powers the intranets, extranets and websites of some of Australia’s largest companies. Its customers include Hyundai, Lend Lease, Target and University of Technology, Sydney.

CommunityManager.NET Version 7 is available now.  For further information contact 1300 435 266.

About Elcom
Founded by John Anstey in 1996, Elcom is an Australian company with expertise in web development, content management, knowledge management, process management, online forms and integration. Elcom delivers Intranet, Extranet and Web solutions and helps customers overcome the frustrations often associated with understanding, designing and implementing online solutions. This is achieved through Elcom’s Enterprise Content Management System, CommunityManager.NET. The CommunityManager.NET Platform is powering the websites, intranets and extranets of Australia’s leading organisations. Elcom's software enables organisations to cost effectively interact and do business via the Internet. To find out more, please visit www.elcom.com.au

Media Contact:
Jasmin Athwal
Max Australia
+61 2 9954 3492