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Announcement posted by Empired Limited 21 May 2010

Coreworx Inc.a Canadian based global provider of specialised cost control and risk management software used by international energy industry leaders to manage multi billion dollar resource sector projects has announced an exclusive Asia Pacific alliance with Perth based IT services provider Empired Limited to target mega regional oil & gas, power and mining projects - with initial focus on the $175 Billion major capital works planned for Western Australia.
Currently Coreworx services a portfolio of international projects valued at over $500 billion across more than 50 countries, on more than 500 capital projects with nearly 70,000 users.
Mr Russell Baskerville, Managing Director, Empired Ltd said, “This is a fantastic opportunity for both Empired and Coreworx.”
“Empired is currently in discussions with a number of major organisations in the resources sector and this new partnership will provide great business value to our clients, adding local expertise to Coreworx proven word class solutions to identify and manage project risk, reduce cost and ensure the implementation of industry best practices.
 “With an ever expanding portfolio of large capital projects underway in the region, demand for industry specific professional services and solutions is growing rapidly.”
(For further information please contact Russell Baskerville, Managing Director on 08 6454 9700, Mobile 0422 22 4822; PR Terry Quinn WordsPLUS 0439 710 418 – or visit www.empired.com)

         In a joint announcement to the ASX today, Perth based national IT Services Provider Empired Ltd (ASX:EPD) and Ontario, Canada based Coreworx Inc. a global subsidiary of Acorn Energy, Inc.(Nasdaq:ACFN - News), announced they have entered an  exclusive Asia Pacific Partnership Agreement to target major capital projects in the energy and resources sector. (see detailed announcement below and attached)

         In quick succession this year, fast growing Perth based Empired Limited announced multi million dollar contracts with the Victorian State Government’s Department for Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD), another with Victoria’s St Barbara Limited – plus another with MMG the world’s second largest producer of zinc headquartered in Melbourne and owned by China Minmetals Non-ferrous Metals Co., Ltd, a division of China Minmetals Corporation.

         “Together with multi million dollar contracts in our home state -  a $5 Million “Strategic IT Consulting Service” contract with Western Australian Police ( in square kilometers  the largest single police jurisdiction in the world)  and  a  $11.6 Million contract with Main Roads WA, the alliance with Coreworx means Empired Limited is well on track to reach – and even exceed – our strategic growth strategy by the end of the next financial year,” a delighted Managing Director Russell Baskerville said in Perth today.

         (For further information please contact Russell Baskerville, Managing Director on 08 6454 9700, Mobile 0422 22 4822;  PR Terry Quinn WordsPLUS 0439 710 418 – or visit www.empired.com)

ASX MEDIA RELEASE:                                                                                                                              
Empired Ltd and Coreworx Inc. Enter Partnership Agreement
         Exclusive alliance in Australia, New Zealand and South East Asia
         Empired to provide consulting, systems integration and application management services
         Partnership bringing enhanced governance and risk management to Australia’s capital projects
         Significant pipeline of prospective contracts already in contention with major organisations within the resources sector
         In excess of $175 Billion in capital projects announced and $75 Billion in train in Western Australia alone

National IT Services provider Empired Ltd (ASX: EPD) today announced its exclusive partnership with leading global supplier of project information and project cost control systems to the large capital projects sector Coreworx Inc. (“Coreworx”), a subsidiary of Acorn Energy, Inc. (“Acorn”) (NASDAQ: ACFN). Coreworx is used globally by energy and resources sector leaders to manage major capital project execution risk.

Coreworx project information and project cost control software is used for managing complex engineering projects, typically characterised by interdependent activities being executed across multiple suppliers and engineering houses involving multiple geographies.

Empired’s expertise and presence in the region, coupled with Coreworx' ability to manage complex, globally dispersed major capital projects, will mean significant business benefits to companies looking to develop assets within Australia and South East Asia. Coreworx is already working with several customers in Australia, and sees this partnership benefitting these existing customers and future customers. 

Empired will not only re-sell Coreworx’ software products, but will design overall business solutions, implement them to the customers’ requirements and provide ongoing management and support for the solution as well as provide document control services. Empired also plans to offer Coreworx products as a hosted, on-demand solution from their data centre.

The demand for such services is becoming more prevalent to address the explosion in major project activity in the resources and energy sectors in Australia and South East Asia. The current announced capital expenditure on major capital projects in Western Australia alone exceeds $175 Billion with $75 Billion already in train. The significant investments associated with these large projects underlines the importance of utilising effective project information and cost control systems such as Coreworx to identify and manage project risk, reduce cost and ensure the implementation of industry best practices.
Empired are currently in discussions with a number of major organisations in the resources sector and expect that these new capabilities will drive additional recurring revenue from current client relations as well as develop new business in the nuclear information and records space.

Mr Russell Baskerville, Managing Director, Empired Ltd said, “I’m very pleased to help drive this world class project management solution into the Australian, New Zealand and South East Asian regions. This is a fantastic opportunity for both Empired and Coreworx.”
“With an ever expanding portfolio of large capital projects underway in