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Australia's top posture sins exposed

Announcement posted by Chiropractors' Association of Australia 26 May 2010

Posture is the theme of National Chiropractic Care Week, which runs from 24 to 30 May
Australia’s spinal health experts are using National Chiropractic Care Week (May 24 to 30) to lift the lid on Australia’s top posture sins.

Research shows that up to 90 per cent of people suffer from poor posture, with the top five posture sins comprising: slouching, forward pelvis, rotated hips, forward head position and rounded shoulders (commonly recognised as dowager’s hump).

“Each of these postures puts extra pressure on the spine and can lead to a host of debilitating problems from tension and soreness to head ache, back pain and fatigue,” explained CAA spokesperson, Dr Jennifer Barham-Floreani (chiropractor).

“These are problems that can significantly impact how a person operates day to day, having an adverse effect on their well being, over all mood and ability to concentrate, study effectively or even work.”

While poor posture is not a new issue, the CAA says the widespread prevalence is cause for concern as is the growing increase in posture problems triggered by electronic gadgets.

CAA member chiropractors have been registering a growing trend in the increase in spinal issues linked to laptops, computer mouse use, portable telephones cradled under the chin and hours in front of the TV.

A marked jump in problems triggered by handheld computer games and MP3 players and excessive mobile phone texting is also becoming a major concern, especially amongst children and teens.

To help Australians straighten up, the CAA has just launched a new interactive website: www.whatsyourposture.com.au. The site provides free posture self assessment tools, tips and simple exercises to help Australians counteract the top five posture sins.

“The good news is that for most people, posture problems can be corrected and sometimes even reversed,” Dr Barham-Floreani said. “At the end of the day, a healthy spine means a healthier life.”