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Innovative Asset Management Software Deploys Safety Training at Point of Operation

Announcement posted by Relegen Pty Ltd 01 Nov 2010

Managing risk and reducing the likelihood, and impact, of human error upon plant and equipment is a concern for mine operators. This challenge is now being addressed with the innovative thinking behind Relegen’s asset management system baseLINE.

Set to revolutionise the delivery of onsite training, baseLINE bridges the gap between the physical asset and training theory to give a real-world solution available at the touch of a button.

When deployed on a mobile device, baseLINE allows workers to access appropriate training for any type of asset at the point of operation, in any location. Workers simply scan the asset and get immediate access to the most current version of safety and operating guidelines.

baseLINE acts as a vault for corporate knowledge and stores electronically information about anything from fit testing for masks, start up and shut down procedures for gas turbines, and operating checklists, to immersive training for earthmoving equipment.

baseLINE can also link the issuance of assets and the authority to operate assets to an individual. Personnel assessment and competence records stored in legacy systems can be accessed through at the point of operation, in even the most remote location.

Linking assets and individuals through baseLINE keeps workers safe and protects vital, high cost equipment, from accident or failure.

Information: www.baselineassetmanagement.com.