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Tradies app provides paperwork relief for small business

Announcement posted by ServiceM8 18 May 2011

ServiceM8.com, a cloud app aimed at reducing job administration in small business, officially launched today.

“ServiceM8 is a new approach to managing clients, staff and jobs in real-time. It [ServiceM8] is to job management what Facebook is to email” ServiceM8 CEO Kim Ford said today. “While friends on Facebook post messages about their social lives - staff using ServiceM8 post messages, photos, quotes and invoices to keep everyone in the business informed.”

“ServiceM8 is cloud based and makes extensive use of the latest HTML5 web technology to deliver a rich and meaningful user experience. The solution uses Apples iPhone and iPad for remote activity and is specifically targeted at trade businesses like plumbers, electricians, locksmiths and security firms. In fact, ServiceM8 suits any small or micro business that operates “do and charge” field services.” Mr Ford said.

Small business is under a lot of pressure today and needs effective solutions to improve their productivity and profitability without spending enormous amounts of time and money.

Easy and quick to install, ServiceM8 offers small business a very low risk opportunity to improve their productivity, professionalism and job management practices through a feature rich job management system specifically built to assist their business.

ServiceM8's pricing is structured as a simple per job fee. There are no startup fees, no monthly fees, no per user fee's - ensuring no small business is left behind - and the first 20 jobs per month are completely free. Simply go to www.servicem8.com to sign up.

ServiceM8 is an Australian private company, based in Darwin, Northern Territory. ServiceM8 was founded in 2009 on a vision to develop a web 2.0 solution to streamline the internal systems and processes that small business are reinventing every day.