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New life for John James Maternity Unit

Announcement posted by Beyond Bank Australia 05 Jul 2011

Australia’s third largest credit union, Community CPS Australia, has put its support behind the Calvary John James Hospital, donating a range of brand new equipment to the John James Maternity Unit and breathing new life into the hospital’s dated ante-natal ward.

The generous initiative was the brainchild of Community CPS‘ Regional Promotions and Event Coordinator, Rachel Markwart, who attended birthing classes at the Calvary John James Maternity Unit last year while expecting her first child and noticed that the equipment hadn’t been upgraded in many years.

Impressed by the midwives’ dedication, skill and expertise Ms Markwart approached her employer for support, suggesting to donate the much needed equipment to the Unit to make the staff’s job easier, but also creating a more pleasant environment for mums-to-be to attend such important classes.

"Most women attending these classes are having their first baby and are quite anxious about the process and really want to learn as much as possible. When I attended the classes the television set was old and crackly, the video shown was of poor quality and out-dated, and the demonstration models were dirty from being handled so much over the years," said Ms Markwart.

"The state of the equipment and materials simply did not do the midwives and the quality of the classes justice at all, and I felt that with Community CPS’ support we could help out."

"It didn’t take much to get the Community CPS Community Committee on board, so we met with the Calvary John James Maternity Unit staff to see what they needed the most. We then went out and bought items such as a brand new flat screen TV with built-in DVD player, a projector, a laptop and new models for demonstrating resuscitation techniques and breast feeding."

"We are all looking forward to showing the nurses and midwives how the Unit has evolved, and what a difference it will make to their daily jobs and the important work that they do."

"Community CPS is now looking to support both the Calvary and Canberra Hospitals to help reinvigorate their maternity units in a similar way."

Community CPS is hosting a special morning tea with the Calvary John James Maternity Unit staff on Wednesday, 15 June at 11am to christen the updated ante-natal unit (Calvary John James Maternity Unit, 173 Strickland Cres, Deakin ACT).


Community CPS Australia is a two-time winner of Money Magazine’s Australian Credit Union of the Year Award. With more than 186,000 members, Community CPS employs 528 staff across branches in South Australia, the Australian Capital Territory and operates as Wagga Mutual Credit Union in Wagga Wagga, Companion Credit Union in the Hunter Valley and United Community in Western Australia. Community CPS Australia is now the country’s third largest credit union with $3.3 billion worth of assets under management. For more information visit www.communitycps.com.au

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