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No breast cancer gene, no big risk

Announcement posted by It's My Health 21 Nov 2011

According to consumer health site www.itsmyhealth.com.au women who have close family members with the breast cancer gene but do not carry the mutation themselves may have no greater risk of developing the disease than women without a family history of breast cancer, a new study suggests.

The study looked at 3,047 families in the US, Australia and Canada. It found that 160 women had the breast cancer gene BRCA1 mutations while 132 the BRCA2 mutations.

But analysis of the data showed there was no evidence of increased risk in developing breast cancer for non-carriers of the mutated genes even if they had first degree relatives who had one of those genes, when compared to women who had no family members with the faulty genes.

To read the fullarticle visit http://www.itsmyhealth.com.au/healthy-living/women-s-health/no-breast-cancer-gene-no-big-risk