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Social Media Course Sydney - NET:101

Announcement posted by 2 Sticks Digital Marketing 19 Mar 2012

NET:101 Social Media & Internet Marketing For Business - Full Day Course, March 29th, 2012


Get your organisation up to speed with business level social media, search engine optimisation, and online content marketing. The session is presented in a practical learning format: live online demonstrations in a small and relaxed class setting.

This is the same workshop that has recently been delivered to organisations such as Nestle, beyondblue, NRMA and MLC.

Who should come along? Anyone sensing gaps around their understanding of how social media and internet marketing applies to modern business. While useful, no prior online experience is assumed.

A Certificate of Training is sent out to all attendees.


Venue location: Karstens Training & Conference Centre, Level 1, 111 Harrington Street, Sydney 2000.

Format: Interactive and limited to 22 people.

Refreshments: Morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea are provided.

Takeaways: A workbook and a 2GB USB stick pre-loaded with support resources.

Wireless: A wireless hub is available at no charge if you wish to bring a laptop or wireless device.

Cost:$695 + GST

Online Bookings: Visit theNET:101 website


> Download workshop program here


TWITTER as a marketing and PR tool – how to use it for customer relations, crisis management, corporate reputation, event coverage, product promotions & sales, or issue advocacy.

Manage your business FACEBOOK presence – setting up brand pages, moderating comments, and building your community.

Create a 7-point BLOGGING strategy for your business – who in your organisation should be blogging, what, how often and why.

Online video and YOUTUBE – a must-include within any online marketing or communications strategy.

Use LINKEDIN to find and connect with your industry network; create a professional company page for your organisation.

Heads up! Two important new social media platforms with business impact: GOOGLE PLUS and PINTEREST


CONTENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CMS) basics. Save money and time by managing your own website content - no technical or coding experience required.

Tap into unpaid SEARCH MARKETING - put your web pages high onto the page 1 search results of Google and other search engines using market segmentation mapping.

Set-up GOOGLE ANALYTICS for your website to measure and report on the effectiveness of your online marketing and communications campaigns - including social media sourced traffic.


Position your organisation as a THOUGHT LEADER or subject matter expert within your industry sector.

Enhance your BRAND’S REPUTATION and increase sales leads by educating your potential customers or clients with layers of relevant online content.


Tim has involvement in a wide range of online projects and start-ups including consultancy 2 Sticks Digital, education provider NET:101 and business training exchange hub, The Transfer Station. He has conducted numerous corporate training workshops for many large Australian organisations and brands, and is a popular conference keynote presenter. His clients include MLC, Cancer Institute NSW, Brown Brothers Wines, the Australasian Mutuals Institute, and NRMA.


Since 2009 NET:101 has been delivering extremely useful internet & social media marketing workshops to executives and businesses.For further information on this workshop and others, please visit theNET:101 website