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Real Institute and Community Newspaper Group awarded Best Sales Training Program at the National LearnX Sales Impact awards

Announcement posted by Real Institute 25 Nov 2013

Australia’s most ‘Disruptive’ education and training provider awarded “Best Sales Training Program” with Community Newspaper Group

Clients and Students alike rest assured you are in great hands, Real Institute has been named by the prestigious LearnX Sales Impact Awards as provider of Australia’s “Best Sales Training Program”. 

Famous for coining the phrase ‘disruptive learning’ Real Institute’s CEO Ross Robinson & COO Adam Cryer drive the businesses philosophy of ‘positive disruption’ which simply stated means we will continue to innovate and challenge the status quo in order to drive greater outcomes for our clients and students. Real Institute is proud of the positive disruption our sales program has had for the Community Newspaper group and the outcomes achieved by both individual participants and the business.

Community Newspaper Group is the proud publisher of 17 WA local newspapers and 4 special real estate "Residential" magazines in Western Australia. The penetration of these publications covers the full metropolitan area and they are delivered to 701,763 homes every week with a readership base of 747,000 readers, who look to their local Community Newspaper Group publication for their local news and information.

The company's vision statement is "First Choice for business, readers and our people" and their mission they work towards is to "Build strong partnerships with customers, readers and our people through relevance, results and innovation".

The Community Newspaper Group Sales team commenced training with Real Institute (RTO code 91669) in July 2012 under consultation with Sales Director Christine Sutherland and Training Manager Becky Steuer to strengthen market knowledge, relationships with their customers, and create a high level sales force that can take them to the next level in this heavily competitive industry. Real Institute is proud to have been able to support these objectives through our programs and is honored by the LearnX recognition of the quality of this partnership.