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Learning mail delivers highly concentrated learning to busy employees via e-mail

Announcement posted by The Learning Group 04 Nov 2004

Learning mail helps Australian companies make e-learning easier to access and manage by using standard e-mail to send interactive training to employees instead of waiting for them to find it
The Learning Group a leading custom e-learning provider today announced learning mail, anew Business to Employee (B2E) technology that offers an easy and efficient way to send training to busy employees, instead of waiting for them to come and get it.
Learning mail enables training managers and learning and development administrators to create small chunks of learning, then schedule and push them to targeted employees using standard e-mail technology. The Learning Group is the first e-learning provider to offer this approach in Australia.
Learning mail makes e-learning more accessible and encourages employees to give it higher priority. It also gives managers and administrators the tools to create blended learning solutions, greater control over scheduling, and saves time by generating automated reminder and follow-up e-mails.
Training managers and administrators save time and money building interactive content by using iThings interactive e-learning templates that simplify the building of quick e-learning chunks.
One of the biggest problems with e-learning is getting employees to actually take it, said Mickey Clark, Managing Director of The Learning Group. They may be short of time or put off by the need to log onto a centralised system, and as a result e-learning slips down their to-do lists and is sometimes never gotten around to.
Learning mail places itself onto the employees radar by appearing as a normal e-mail in their inbox. And although learning mail uses standard e-mail technology as a delivery system, it is interactive and trackable. It is designed to deliver highly concentrated learning via flexible iThing templates that can present a variety of learning tasks such as case studies, refreshers, quizzes or surveys.
The Learning Group is the first to offer this kind of solution to the market. We believe it is very timely because new requirements in Equal Employment Opportunity, Privacy, Occupational Health & Safety, financial reporting and international governance standards mean companies are required to have documented certainty that their staff are trained in order to comply.
We feel that a new approach is required in order to create real behavioural change from training this represents a new generation of e-learning, as it doesnt simply assume employees will have the time or initiative to search out and find their training, Clark said.
Using learning mail, learning administrators can control the scheduling of learning material, as well as the softness or severity of automatic follow-ups. Learning mail pieces arrive in employees inboxes like ordinary e-mail and they must respond to the learning mail piece within a certain period of time by completing the embedded training.
iThings have a built-in approval process to ensure up-to-date content and provide a high degree of version control over the content. They include:
iPostcards to promote learning modules, or links to specific training employees need to take
iAlerts to ensure employees are up-to-date on the latest legal and compliance warnings, tracking their agreement
iRefreshers to ensure employees have retained key points months after they complete their training
iCase studies to provide employees with a real workplace problem-solving environment
iSurveys and iQuizzes to find out what employees think and know
Learning mail is a component of learningRoom, a hosted environment that can be up and running in as little as one day. This means there is no internal infrastructure or installation required, there are no large upfront costs and new features are instantly accessible without having to purchase upgrades.
Getting the IT department to install and maintain training courses can be difficult due to scant resources. However, since learningRoom is a hosted environment, no set up is required other than employee file loads. This means less IT resources and capabilities are required, the expense of setting up and maintaining use of the learningRoom features is low, and less administration resource is required for the set up and follow up of learning.
Learning management systems are generally larger, more expensive and integrate into an organisations existing software systems, whereas learning mail operates externally to your internal software systems, said Clark. Learning mail is designed to assist in creating blended learning solutions and automatically follow up learners, not to provide a storehouse for all of an organisations e-learning courseware.
Learning mail has a standard quality of Internet security using Secure Socket Layer 128 bit encryption and password restricted access to keep your content secure. If training content is of a sensitive nature, The Learning Group can provide further levels of security to meet these needs.
Pricing and Availability
The Learning Group is taking orders for learning mail now. Learning mails pricing is structured on a per user, per year basis. Costs vary greatly depending on a number of elements, for example, the number of employees, and the number of iThings published, and can be less than $1 per employee per published iThing, depending upon quantities.
About The Learning Group
Established in 1993, The Learning Group is one of Australias leading custom e-learning providers, with over 1 million learner hours of development experience. It has an extensive stable of blue chip clients, including AMP, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Zurich, KPMG, Australia Post, ING, Allianz, Macquarie Bank, Pfizer, Commonwealth Bank of Australia, Cisco, Westpac and Sydney Water.
The Learning Group is a global pioneer in the development of new, more effective, e-learning approaches. In learning mail, it has developed an innovative interactive business-to-employee training system that offers an easy and efficient way to send training to busy employees, instead of waiting for them to find it.