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I FEEL SICK! This morning I read Australian Financial Review's Alan Mitchell "Fiscal Policy"

Announcement posted by Australia New Era Party 07 May 2014


I FEEL SICK! This morning I read Australian Financial Review's Alan Mitchell "Fiscal Policy"-  'Budgeting for recessions to come'.  I respect his words of wisdom but quote "And if there is serious recession halfway through that decade there will be another politically difficult start to the long process of grinding the back debt down" surely this foretells another bout of on-off again recessions and after twenty years of austerity NOTHING WILL CHANGE! I FEEL SICK! IT IS ALL SO UNNECESSARY! ENOUGH ALREADY! Join my "Australia New Era Party" for JOBS, JOBS, JOBS !  No GST on Petrol and Diesel, Free medical, dental, Optical Care and funerals( means tested ) Equal pay for women and LOWER TAXES! Send an email to ray.thyer@bigpond.com with "I wish to join "in the subject line. Australia is in your hands, Cheers Ray.