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Introducing Emergency App in Australia

Announcement posted by Emergency App 29 Sep 2014

Emergency App Pty Ltd. is pleased to announce that the launch of their exclusive application, the Emergency application is finally released and open to download in Australia. This app is available for both, Android and iOS servers with its release in the Google Play Store and Appstore. This emergency app promises to be a great handy service for many.

The Emergency App is completely free of cost and is designed to assist people. In today’s time, anyone can be confronted with an emergency where all they need is help. The Emergency App acts as that call for help.

The tagline for the product, “A panic button in your pocket” clearly indicates what this app does. The app is designed in a precise and resourceful way that assists anyone in need. It can store emergency numbers in one place and can quickly send out a call for help to many people, in just a matter of seconds. It also comes with a geo-locater that can send help services such as the police to wherever you are. All the person has to do is press the “Panic Button” and they will receive help immediately.

This app was developed by a small yet innovative software firm in Queensland, made to help users in emergency situations. “Our goal is to make all Australians a little safer, through the use of today's technology. Being able to give your exact location can mean the difference between life and death,” say Neil Coningham and Leonie Vallance, Co-Founders of Emergency App. The founders, making this app free of cost, have informed the people that their motive is to make the world a safer place to live in.

Along with the emergency service, Emergency App also features additional services such as Emergency Business Directory, which allows the user to find 24-hour businesses near them and a Weather and Traffic situation informer. It is a full resourceful app for people.

The app is currently open for people in Australia but is under the development to be released outside Australia too.
