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Introducing Bestselling Author and Wholefood Chef, Cynthia Louise

Announcement posted by Communeco 10 Feb 2015

Recipes available for reprint
Communeco is now representing

Bestselling Author and Wholefood Chef, Cynthia Louise.

Known for her down-to-earth approach and delicious recipes that feature whole, nourishing, beautifying foods, Chef Cynthia Louise guides people to getting back to real food, while teaching them how to prepare it simply while maximising natural flavour.

As co-author of the bestselling cookbooks, The Real Food Chef, Sweet Food Story and Real Food Kitchen with naturopath Dr Libby Weaver, Chef Cynthia has become a household name and the go-to for people looking to return to nature for their daily nutrition.

Having completed her formal chef's training at a leading Gold Coast health retreat, Chef Cynthia now lives in Bali where she regularly holds cooking and food preparation workshops and offers her expertise to those choosing to heal from lifestyle related dis-eases.

"My work focuses on real wholefoods - food as nature intended it to be. I throw everything I’ve got into creating big-hearted dishes that are loved by everyone," Chef Cynthia says. "I am continually creating more ways to bring immense flavour to food with maximum nutritional benefit. Be warned, this food will give you and your family new levels of energy and vitality. These incredibly delicious recipes are packed with the nutrition to get you living in a state of optimal health."

To find out more about Chef Cynthia, see www.chefcynthialouise.com

If you would like to arrange an interview or publish one or more of Chef Cynthia's recipes (including professional imagery) please don't hesitate to contact Communeco.

Potential Angles:

- Valentines Day health and beauty recipes;
- Essential foods to boost beauty and vitality;
- The latest wellness and wholefood dish and smoothie trends;
- How to eat healthily with a busy schedule and tight budget;
- How to prepare healthy food for kids (that they'll actually love and eat);
- The fashion of food. Why real is back in vogue.
