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Builder Advises: “Replace Those Inefficient Doors and Windows Before Winter.”

Announcement posted by Fremantle Door And Window 19 Mar 2015

Provider of custom built doors and windows in Perth reveals how to save money on heating and cooling costs.
Perth, WA, 19 March 2015 - According to a provider of custom built windows and doors from the Perth area, homeowners can save a lot of money by replacing inefficient doors and windows with energy-efficient timber doors and windows. Timber doors and windows have a long “shelf life” and more than pay for themselves over a period of twenty or thirty years by saving their owners money on heating and cooling costs.

Why Aluminium Doors and Windows Often Fail Homeowners

Aluminium is the material of choice for builders because it is inexpensive and can be made to provide a “neutral” look. They don’t add to the aesthetics of a home but they don’t detract from them, either. Unfortunately, aluminium isn’t the most efficient material for heating and cooling a home for two reasons.

Warping: Aluminium doors and window frames tend to warp as they get older. It may be age or it may be wear and tear, but aluminium can change its shape. When an aluminium door or window changes its shape, it is no longer “flush” against the edging. This can create gaps that let air into a home.

Since temperatures on two sides of a barrier tend to equalise, hot air flows into a home during the summer and cold air flows in during the winter. This makes heating and cooling less efficient. The heater and air conditioner have to work harder, using more energy. The homeowner, of course, pays for the energy, whether it is gas or electricity.

Heat Transfer: Aluminium is a material that is very efficient at transferring heat. The same factors as above come into play here. Aluminium transfers heat into your home in the summer and out of your home in the winter. While it might seem like a negligible amount, it adds up, minute by minute, hour by hour and day by day throughout the summer or winter.

Why Timber is More Efficient

Timber is “nature’s insulator.” It is very efficient at providing a barrier between heat and cold without allowing large amounts of heat transfer. It helps keep a home warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Timber is also easy to “work” into a shape that stands flush against a frame.

As timber ages, it doesn’t warp. It doesn’t create gaps or cracks in doorways or window jambs. It remains flush and keeps air from flowing in our out of your home unless you want it to.

The Process

Tish Thompson is the office administrator at The Fremantle Door and Window Company. According to Ms Thompson:

“We have completed numerous custom built door and window installations for customers in the Perth area. We have received a lot of feedback about how heating and cooling bills went down after we provided them with timber doors and windows for their homes. Timber doors and windows not only save money, but they look great, too. You can’t beat that.”

The Fremantle Door & Window Company provides custom built doors and windows in the Perth area. They use 100% sustainable, ethically sourced timber. They specialise in professional customer service, aesthetic design and high quality workmanship. To learn more, call 1300 308 323 or visit their website: http://www.fremantledoor.com/.