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Young Farmers receive scholarships to study with ACS Distance Education

Announcement posted by ACS Distance Education 20 Nov 2015

ACS Distance Education principal John Mason, recently attended the Inaugural Awards Ceremony for the Young Farmers Scholarship held on the 11 November at Parliament House in Melbourne. The Young Farmers Scholarship is an initiative that is being supported by the Minister for Agriculture in Victoria, Jaala Pulford.

The scholarship program was established by the Victorian Government in order to increase the skills and opportunities for young farmers under the age of 35 from within the state. Thirteen young farmers were awarded grants of up to $10,000 that included scholarships for further education in agriculture and career development in agriculture.

It has been confirmed that two of the thirteen grant recipients will undertake their studies with ACS Distance Education. John Mason, Principal of ACS Distant Education said, “We are delighted to be given the opportunity to have these students study with ACS. Given our commitment to education in agriculture, we wish the students all the best for their bright future in this vital industry.”

The courses offered by ACS Distance Education are ideal for rural students, allowing them to study remotely and with limited resources- with one of the students studying by correspondence as she has limited access to reliable internet.

This is a pro-active initiative by the Victorian Government and ACS is excited to have a role in the futures of these Young Farmers.

If you would like more information on this, please contact sarah@acs.edu.au .