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New weight loss book offers perfect results for people who aren’t perfect

Announcement posted by WMC PR 30 Mar 2016

Experts can’t agree on the best diet so think for yourself, says Mark Cupples, author of Slim Businez
For the cost of just two coffees, Mark Cupples’ new book called Slim Businez can change lives forever by showing people they can become their own diet and exercise expert to achieve their weight loss goal.
People who want to lose 3 kilos or 30 can start achieving this immediately they begin applying the advice the author spells out in his 190-page book, which is available in paperback or Kindle.
“Body fat loss is the real goal,” says Mark Cupples, “people don’t need to lose muscle or bone density.”
“Perfect eating and perfect exercise programs are for perfect people and no-one is perfect. What we need is a perfect result that’s both practical and easy for people,” he said. “Hardly anyone likes starving, hard exercise or hiding from social events. Any diet that heads in that direction will have a high failure rate.”
Would you like to interview Mark Cupples about his weight loss program?

The Slim Businez regime allows followers to have the weekend off when it comes to drinks and food. It says to weigh in every day and by every Monday morning achieve 1kg (or more) of weight loss for the week.
“If you are 2kg ahead of schedule Friday morning then gaining 1kg on the weekend means you have achieved your target for the week. Two steps forward, one step back is success,” says Cupples.
“It is not a nanny diet. No-one’s life goes up or down in a straight line so neither does your weight loss program have to be exactly the same every day. Forget tips, tricks and superfoods and try an effective process.”
Every chapter in Slim Businez provides practical tips that guide the reader to make a difference to the way they look and feel.
“Thinking for yourself is vital. Unless you think for yourself, you’ll be forever changing as ‘experts’ continue to disagree with other ‘experts’ about diets and weight loss. This has a lot to do with the billions of dollars invested in modern processed food and the millions spent advertising it to make sure you continually visit the same supermarket aisles. Movie stars, sports stars and experts are all paid to promote food and beverage products.”
Mark Cupples knows because he’s been there. After 35 years of being overweight and trying many different diets that didn’t work long-term, he decided to take a businesslike approach to produce the results he had been trying to achieve for years. Utilising his MBA skills, ‘businesslike’ means looking for the best results for the most people using an effective process. 
In losing 30kg and keeping it off, Mark’s approach proved a success: slim on the outside and healthy on the inside. Other things that went down as well as the weight were blood pressure and cholesterol ratios.
“When the reader understands what their body does with food that becomes an enlightening moment. The book is no-nonsense, easy to read and remember, and easy to do. There are plenty of summaries for anyone that needs to refer back to the book.”

Key messages include:
* 80% of weight loss results will come from the first 20% of your efforts. The hardest part is knowing what to do.
* Food suggestions are the old fashioned foods of meat, butter, traditional oils, cheese, fruit and vegetables. There was no epidemic of obesity, cancer, heart attack and stroke when people ate these foods pre 1900.
* Controlled carbohydrate eating and exercise is the best way to lose weight.
* Exercise makes everything happen faster. People don’t exercise because they don’t like it, so start with walking. Walking works.
* Weigh in daily. It’s easy to do. Most people gain and lose weight every day, not once a week.
* The most advertising dollars are usually spent on the foods that make you fatter faster.
It also covers: 
  • What the body does with carbohydrates (sugars and other carbs), proteins and fats.
  • Sugar substitutes.
  • Cooking styles to lose weight.
  • Simplifications: count calories; fat makes you fat; low GI; and count carbs. Which work the best and which don’t work at all.
  • Four program options to achieve results.
  • Simple recipe ideas.
Slim Businez is available from http://www.slimbusinez.com.au in paperback (printed in Australia) for $29.95 including postage. The Kindle version (in colour) is available online from Amazon for $8.95.
About Mark Cupples and Slim Businez:
Mark Cupples took two years to research and write Slim Businez and emphasises effective processes to lose weight. After 35 years of being overweight Mark decided he wanted to develop an effective ‘real world’ system that anyone could follow. When it worked for Mark he knew it could work for anyone. Using his MBA skills, Mark’s businesslike approach looks for results and ensures as many people as possible succeed in their weight loss journey.
Mark’s research has uncovered the truth about why experts don’t agree on diets and exercise including why business, supermarkets and food companies want to keep you visiting the same aisles that helped you get fat in the first place. Mark lives in Brisbane, Australia.

Mark makes an excellent interview subject on this effective weight loss program he advocates. 
To interview Mark please contact me. I also have high res images and before and after photos of Mark's weight loss transformation.
