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Announcement posted by The Active Bloc 10 Jun 2016

5 Tips to help you get the results

How many times have you worked your butt off at the gym only to find that it seems to result in few if any significant results? While nearly any type of workout is better for your body than none at all, there are a few key things you can do to make the most out of your gym time. For those looking to lose weight, tone up, and build muscle strength, these are a few easy tips to maximize your workout performance.

Create a Workout Plan Before You Hit the Gym

One of the most common mistakes people make at the gym is wandering from machine to machine without a clear focus or set goals in mind. By creating a game plan before you go to the gym, you can streamline your workout, focus on specific exercises to target different body parts, and monitor your progress to see what works and what doesn't.

Warm-up Before Working Out

While it may tempting to jump straight into a workout, especially when time is an issue, it is crucial to warm up the muscles first to avoid injuries. Experts say you should warm up for at least 10 to 15 minutes before each workout using a mix of stretches and low to moderate activity like walking, cycling or climbing stairs. This will get the blood flowing, slowly increase the heart rate, and loosen the joints and muscles.

Vary Your Workouts

When we stick to the same old workout routine time after time, our bodies get so used to the exercises that they no longer face a challenge. If you really want to see results, try to do a variety of exercises during each workout and switch it up on a regular basis so your body has to work harder to use a range of different muscles. For example, you may want to try a different cardio machine each week or mix up your strength training sessions to focus on a different muscle group each set or each session.

Up The Ante With Free Weights

No matter whether you're trying to lose weight or beef up, weight lifting is key, as it builds muscle that forces your body to burn more calories even when resting. And if you really want to tone up, forget the machines and use free weights. Free weights force you to use a broad range of muscles for balance and stability in addition to concentrating on one specific muscle group. In addition, try slowing down your free weight reps so that you really get those muscles working.

Consider Working With a Trainer

Getting to the gym is half the battle, but knowing what to do there is also paramount to a successful workout. A trainer can help you devise a workout plan that is tailored to your specific needs, make sure you are doing the exercises correctly to maximize results and minimize injury, and teach you insider tricks on how to best burn fat, build muscle, and create a healthy lifestyle.

By The Active Bloc