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Celebrating Global Money Week with Free Financial Education

Announcement posted by Money101 16 Mar 2017

Get Smarter About Money This #GMW2017

Empowering young people with sound financial literacy is a powerful way to shape the way their life turns out. And every parent wants to do what they can to help their kids get off to the right start financially, but they might not have the knowledge or resources to make that happen.

Global Money Week (27 March – 2 April) is an international week of awareness and education events put on by Child & Youth Finance International in partnership with the OECD. It’s all about raising awareness and improving the capabilities of young people when it comes to financial matters.

This year’s theme is ‘Learn. Save. Earn.’ To help celebrate, Money101 has created four fun, fast and free online education units. They’ve been designed and developed specifically to promote the #GMW2017 values of educating children about their financial rights, responsibilities and opportunities. These units are free and anonymous to access. What you (or your little ones) learn could change your financial outlook for the better.

The units are:

Save More Money, Buy Cool Stuff: Do you always spend your money too fast, and have to ask Mum or Dad for more? This unit will show you how to stop wasting your money on random crap, and start saving more money for the stuff you really care about. (Suggested ages: 10+)

Your first ever super account: Super is kinda annoying to think about when you’re just starting your first job, and all you want is cash for now. But it’s important to think about it, unless you don’t mind having a lame fun-free lifestyle when you’re older. This unit will show you what super’s all about, how it works, and why you should give a stuff. (Suggested ages: 12-18)

Starting your first job: Eventually, you have to stop relying on the bank of Mum and Dad – you’ve got to get a job if you want your own money! This unit shows you what happens after you’ve landed your first job, from signing your contract to getting paid for the first time. (Suggested ages: 12-18)

Teaching kids about money: When it comes to getting little kids smarter about money, parents are the first (and biggest) influence. This handy simple guide helps mums and dads get started on teaching kids those essential money-related skills and values.

From today onwards, you can access these four units at https://www.money101.com.au/teaching-kids-about-money-gmw17/. They’ll be available until the 9th of April, giving you a bit more time to try them out and share them around.

On the 12th, we’ll be reporting back on the feedback we receive from parents, kids, educators, service providers, and other stakeholders.

Tags: #GMW2017, Global Money Week, OECD, Child & Youth Finance International, financial education, kids and money, #LearnSaveEarn

Reference: http://www.globalmoneyweek.org/

Our CEO, Catherine Birchall, is available for further comment. For more information on this project, please contact:

Jana Joy
Marketing Manager

Eva Mellors
QA & Communications Manager
(03) 8612 3100