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ANZA Technology Network Postpones 2nd Annual San Francisco Showcase Conference

Announcement posted by Dateline Media 23 Apr 2003

The leading US based Australian and New Zealand technology industry networking group ANZA Technology Network (www.anzatechnet.com) today announced that it would postpone the 2nd Annual Showcase Conference to be held in San Francisco.
David Cannington, Executive Director ANZA Technology Network said: The unpredictable nature of world events and the concerns some executives have regarding overseas travel at the moment has made it necessary for ANZA Technology Network to postpone the ANZA Technology Network Australian and New Zealand Technology Showcase Conference in Silicon Valley until September 2003.

ANZA Technology Network is committed to producing a first rate conference in Silicon Valley highlighting the best of Australian and New Zealand technology to the US market, Cannington said.
Preparing companies before they arrive in Silicon Valley is a critical component of the conference program this year, and we are pleased that the silver-lining is that we have more time to ensure this is accomplished.
We look forward to announcing the new schedule for the Australian and New Zealand Pre-conference Seminars in the coming days.

Companies that have already registered for the Showcase Conference will be contacted individually by ANZA Technology Network to discuss the new arrangements.
We thank our sponsors, partners and members of our community for supporting this decision to postpone and we will be in contact with each of you to confirm the new schedule, Cannington said.

About ANZA Technology Network
The ANZA Technology Network (ANZA Tech.Net.) is a non-profit organization based in San Francisco, California. We are a politically neutral, independent organization whose focus is to provide real business benefits to our sponsor and member base. We are self-funded from the generous support of our Founding Sponsors, Corporate Sponsors and our business and individual member base.
Our primary focus is on developing a strong network of Australian, New Zealand and US technology companies, service providers and executives whose joint purpose is to develop business between the US New Zealand and Australia. Our focus is on furthering business interests in the technology sector only, in Australia, New Zealand and the US. Over time our focus will extend to other parts of the world where Australian and New Zealand technology is achieving success. We welcome companies and executives who operate in related sectors which service the technology base of our membership. We strive to be inclusive of all companies that are closely aligned with the technology sectors in Australia, New Zealand and the US.