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Yes. Every Family Business.

Announcement posted by FINH 23 May 2018

David Harland, Executive Chairman of FINH, has worked with large multi-generational family businesses for over 20 years. From that significant experience he says " You can rest assured that communication is an issue that every family business struggles with. Yes. Every family business."

And perhaps this is to be expected when you consider the wide-reaching decisions that families in business must make. Questions of wealth, ownership, business and family roles, remuneration, transition and future vision must all be grappled with over and over again.

These are all significant issues that impact the entire family unit regardless of whether the business is in it’s 2nd or 7th generation.  

FINH has created this short E-book to provide some guidelines for family business and their communication, both at a formal and informal level.

It is free and we would love you to share - Access the E-Book Here
