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Selective honesty from Farmers' Federation

Announcement posted by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) Australia 01 Apr 2019

Dear Editor,

In a display of hypocrisy breathtaking even for animal exploitation industries, the Farmers' Federation has expressed outrage at the attempts by the EU to get local farmers to respect "geographical indications" which would stop Australian dairy farmers using names like fetta or parmesan.

They complain about "protectionism", while trying to protect their failing industries with legal prestidigitation. They have been screaming about producers of soy and other products using the term "milk" or "cheese" as in "soy milk" or "almond milk". I'm sure they’d try to stop peanut farmers making peanut "butter" too if they could.

If we want complete honesty in labelling, let's not use these terms at all. In future, supermarket shelves won't say "milk", but "the mammary secretion of animals produced for the nourishment of their young but taken for profit".  "Meat" will be labelled "the muscles, sinews, fat and bones of young animals slaughtered in terror and distress".

The only label you can really trust to mean what it says is "vegan".
Desmond Bellamy
Special Projects Coordinator
PETA Australia
PO Box 2352
Byron Bay NSW 2481
0411 577 416