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Torture for entertainment

Announcement posted by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) Australia 08 Jul 2019

Dear Editor,

Once again, terrified bulls will be repeatedly stabbed and tortured to death in Pamplona, Spain, at the San Fermin festival. An overwhelming majority of Spanish people oppose bullfighting, but it continues because tourists make it profitable, particularly the large number of Australians and New Zealanders who take part in the “running of the bulls”, where the tormented animals are made to run through cobbled streets on their way to a horrifying death. Shamefully, more Australians and New Zealanders than Pamplona locals usually take part in this barbaric spectacle.

Watching bulls bleed to death in agony is not a sight most sane people would choose to support, but by the time the tourists have realised the appalling nature of the scene, the industry has pocketed their money, in preparation for further torment.

It’s time that Pamplona stopped allowing petrified bulls to be stabbed to death for the sake of twisted entertainment. Tourism is one of the industry’s main excuses for continuing the abhorrent bloodbath. Please, don’t contribute to the torture and killing of these animals – stay away from the San Fermín festival, and never attend a bullfight.

Mimi Bekhechi
Campaigns Strategist
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (Australia)
PO Box 20308 World Square
Sydney, NSW, 2002.
(08) 8556-5828