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Age does not predict value but ageism predicts stupidity

Announcement posted by DARE Group Australia 25 Jul 2019

Unplugging some truths about ageism nonsense across all generations

Sue Parker, founder of DARE Group has written a hard hitting piece in Smart Company about the truth of ageism and how pervasive it is across all ages.  She discussed the hiring implications with backed research of job fit proof and how and why people slam each others age group.


Sue Parker wrote today :

The notion that age is a realistic predictor of skills, relevance, wisdom and value is bollocks. It is not, nor will ever be, the total determinant of connectivity, smarts and success. There are just so many other components to throw in and mix in the evaluation pot.

Indeed brilliance and dullness have no age delineation despite any shaming rhetoric. It is not only the quantity and type of experiences in life that matter and shape us mere humans, but the depth and quality of learning embraced and application. And that is where the rubber can stick or slip off the road in the ageism malarkey.

For further information Sue is available for interviews to discuss her article.