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A cup of Positivi-Tea

Announcement posted by Health Culture Systems - Health Tea Box 29 Jul 2019

A cup of tea is so much more than just a beverage . . .
Warming you up, facilitating social interaction and boosting your cognitive function, tea may also be the answer to your unwanted winter blahs and blues!

The colder winter weather, limited sunshine and shorter days can sometimes have us feeling a little bit gloomier during the winter months. Add to that the dark mornings and lack of natural light in the evening, and it’s no wonder we go searching for a little bit of positivity during this time.

Search no more! Today we are bringing you Positivi-TEA!

We want to tell you how drinking tea helps improve your mood, as well as three other action-oriented steps you can take to build up our endorphins and fill your brain with feel-good chemicals to heighten your mental and emotional wellbeing.

Let’s start with tea!
One of the main reasons we offer a health tea box is because it means you get the benefits of healthy teas every single day! From helping you relax and get to sleep to helping you become more energized in the morning, there are a lot of benefits that can come from a cup of tea. We have carefully selected the ingredients for each tea blend to target a particular area of health and wellbeing, and a few of them are particularly good for helping improve mood and mental and emotional wellbeing.

Ginseng – This ancient Chinese herb is well-known for enhancing cognitive function, and is part of our cognitive assist tea. It  enhances mental clarity, and improves the brain’s operating ability, allowing it to more effectively manage hormones and mood.

Lemon Balm – That fresh citrus burst is just what your brain needs to give it a renewed burst of energy. Found in our tension taming tea, in addition to helping you destress, Lemon Balm is rejuvenating and plays a role in helping you feel more energized, and mentally engaged.

Turmeric – An anti-inflammatory, inflammation in the body causes stress for our systems. This can have a short-term and long-term, cumulative, negative impact on our mental and emotional functioning. Consume our digestion boosting, gut health tea for your daily turmeric intake.

Chamomile – Studies with chamomile have found that this plant can play a role in helping manage depression and anxiety. Found in our night time tea, it is also a sedative, meaning ig can help you sleep, should your emotional instability be keeping you awake.

What else can I do?

Endorphins are the natural “feel-good” hormones released in your brain and while tea helps elicit some of them, there are several other things you can do to be the master of your own high!

Get Moving – If you’re heard of the runner’s high, it’s a real thing. Research has shown that physical activity encourages an endorphin response in the brain, releasing dopamine and other feel good chemicals. Not only are these beneficial during your workout to help you get through, but they last in the period following your workout as well. And no it doesn’t have to be running! Go for a walk or hike outside, enrol in a new fitness class, or try out Pilates, Yoga or Barre.

Get Social – Put down your phone and go talk to someone in person! The human to human interaction is crucial for our wellbeing and the body craves this natural human connection. Technology, working remotely and online shopping have meant this is often decreased during the day and this can have negative effects on our mood. Better yet, why not invite a friend or family member over to share a cup of tea! Tea is a great way to get social and you benefit from the amazing health properties – such as improved immunity and increased antioxidant consumption – at the same time.

Get Some Sleep – Your low affect, may just be because your brain is tired and overwhelmed and doesn’t have the capacity to make you feel good right now! The brain works hard every day, not only cognitively processing, but also in all of our other bodily functions including movement, hormone regulation, stress response, digestion regulation and so much more. Sometimes it gets overworked and needs appropriate sleep for a full reset to be able to perform its tasks. Tonight, have your night time tea early and then crawl into bed for a restful night’s sleep.

Putting it all together

Nobody likes to feel down or depressed, but sometimes it happens. it is totally fine to feel this way, and normal to have off days or days when you are feeling a lttle lower than your usual positive self.

The good news is however that you can also be in control of creating your own positive energy and using it to bring you up and improve how you feel. From drinking tea, to exercise, to simply having a reliable friend you can call on in these times, figure out which option works best for you and then establish a positivity building routine around that. When you feel yourself having a little bit of a low day, start your routine. Or at the very least, wrap your hands around a cup of warm tea and feel your soul warm up from the inside out. Because sometimes on a cold winter’s day, that’s all that it takes!