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Pig semen in shampoo

Announcement posted by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) Australia 14 Aug 2019

Dear Editor,
In a scene straight out of a Hollywood farce, bosses of a WA piggery have been caught, fined, and jailed for smuggling Danish pig semen in shampoo bottles. The importation has been going on since 2009, and risks introducing a virus called the ‘pig plague’ as well as other biohazards.
All the while, the animal exploitation industries have been howling about protesters and investigators creating biosecurity threats on their factory farms, despite many activists wearing facemasks, sterile booties or even full biohazard suits when they enter a property, both to maintain biosecurity and to provide some relief against the suffocating levels of ammonia that make it hard to breathe in such places.
Now we find that the industry itself is full of people who take no notice of biosecurity. Why would this surprise us? Australian animal factories are not pristine bastions of sterility. More than half the antibiotics imported into Australia are fed to farmed animals, to stave off diseases that would thrive in the crowded, filthy living conditions the stressed animals are forced to endure.
No, what these corporations fear is not protesters – it is the truth about the cruelty that goes on in there, and the resulting public rejection of their vile products.
Desmond Bellamy
Special Projects Coordinator
PETA Australia
PO Box 2352
Byron Bay NSW 2481
0411 577 416