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Australias top IT security experts to sit international exam in Brisbane

Announcement posted by ISSA-Qld Chapter 07 Mar 2002

More than 20 of Australias top IT security experts have registered for the upcoming CISSP Certification examination to be held in Brisbane on Saturday 23 March 2002. The examination is being hosted and organised by the Information Systems Security Association (ISSA) Queensland Chapter.

This is the first time that an examination of this calibre has been held in Australia and has attracted a large amount of interest, said Robyn Bailey president of ISSA-Qld Chapter.

There are currently only a handful of CISSPs within Australasia and it is ISSAs intention to increase offer these kinds of opportunities to IT security professionals within Australia, Bailey added.

Queenslands Minister for Innovation and Information Economy, Paul Lucas, has welcomed the introduction of the international exam.

This is an examination that produces accreditation that is recognised globally, and which is helping deliver consistency in the standard of training and accreditation in the security industry, Mr Lucas said.

The Queensland Government is very supportive of our IT security industry, and the Smart State is recognised as a world leader with the largest cluster of e-security research and development outside north America.

CISSP Certification was designed by the (ISC)2 Institute to recognise mastery of an international standard for information security and understanding of a Common Body of Knowledge (CBK). Certification can enhance a professionals career and provide added IT credibility and through organisations such as ISSA-Qld Chapter it also allows for peer networking among some of the most highly regarded professionals in the IT industry.

ISSA is an international, a non-for-profit organisation of IT information security professionals. The Queensland chapter is one of only a few chapters outside of the United States of America. It provides education forums, publications and peer interaction opportunities that enhance the knowledge, skill and professional growth of its members.

ISSA-Qld Chapter www.issa-qld.org <http://www.issa-qld.org>
(ISC)2 Institute www.isc2.org <http://www.isc2.org>