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Webinar: Covid-19 Reporting Module

Announcement posted by myosh 23 Mar 2020

In response to rapid demand, the myosh team have developed a simple but powerful COVID-19 Reporting Module.

Join the webinar to learn how this  module will help you critically manage the impact of COVID-19 on your workplace health and productivity.

    • Employees and contractors have quick access to a digital form with simple questions to assess health, risk and recent history. HR/HSE can also submit on behalf of staff.
    • Once forms are submitted, admin team conduct risk assessment for each record. Further actions include notifications to associated staff, risk levels and course of action required on a case by case basis.
    • Viking Analytics reporting will provide real time detailed, drill-able data for each location.
  • Register here https://myosh.com/event/webinar-covid-19-reporting-module/