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Australian Catholic Superannuation named Employer of Choice

Announcement posted by Key Media 11 May 2020

Australian Catholic Superannuation has just been recognised in Human Resources Director’s annual Employer of Choice report. This prestigious list spotlights the organisations that demonstrate outstanding contributions of best practice and leadership.

“In the unprecedented conditions of 2020, it’s never been more important for HR professionals to remain on their toes when it comes to attracting and retaining talent. This means they must be an employer that provides outstanding initiatives such as career paths, suitable learning and development opportunities, and appropriately acknowledging a job well done,” says the Human Resources Director team. “This year, HRD received a huge number of nominations for the organisations that demonstrate excellent contributions of best practice and leadership. HRD is pleased to present those 23 organisations that made the shortlist and would like to thank all those who submitted nominations this year.”

Australian Catholic Superannuation hold staff morning teas once a month where the CEO disseminates information to all staff. These “campfire sessions” provide all staff insights into what is happening at an executive and level, and also enable them to ask questions. This simple, open communication method is a great example of the strong and effective communication methodologies at Australian Catholic Superannuation. Moreover, their Mindfulness Program focuses on decluttering the mind and maximising employee innovation and creativity. It also creates much-needed white space to support employee wellbeing. This program was launched in 2016 as an eight-week initiative and was so well received by staff that they now run a mindfulness session monthly at no cost to the employee.

Australian Catholic Superannuation also has an Employee Wellbeing Framework to ensure their work environment is conducive to the wellbeing, motivation and satisfaction of their employees. Monthly Wellbeing focus provides monthly wellbeing themes, resources and information to staff. Topics include, but not limited to, mental health, good food mood, R U OK, men’s health and women’s health. They also centre staff events such as monthly morning teas around these wellbeing themes.

To view the full online report and to find out more about Australian Catholic Superannuation, click HERE.




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