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Money to burn

Announcement posted by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) Australia 24 Sep 2020

Dear Editor,
Last year, in the middle of those terrible bushfires, the NSW government refused to cancel the New Year fireworks, despite calls from within its own coalition ranks to do so. Despite the devastation, we were told it was too late to cancel the display.
It’s not too late this year, yet the Premier is already promoting the event, three months out, and offering to pay for it, with taxpayer money.
If the government has money to burn (literally) on fireworks, why not invest in twenty-first century technology used in other cities, such as little drones fitted with lights and able to create anything from flags to people to spectacular designs. And they are silent, which would prevent dogs, cats, wildlife, and humans from being alarmed by explosions. Each year, animal centres have to rescue lost dogs who panic and break loose from leads or jump over fences or even through glass windows in an attempt to get away from the terrifying sounds.
Best of all, drones don’t leave a pall of smoke over the city, polluting our lungs and acting as an unwelcome reminder of the past year.
Desmond Bellamy
Special Projects Coordinator
PETA Australia
PO Box 2352
Byron Bay NSW 2481
0411 577 416