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Morning Time is Rush Time when Getting Kids Ready for School

Announcement posted by Ocean Reeve Publishing 21 Dec 2020

What can we, as parents, do to help our kids find the time in the morning when they find it so difficult to get ready for the day ahead? Not only that but as parents, how can we work through a hectic routine that takes place within the first hour of waking up so putting us and our kids on edge … Breakfast is an important meal but if rushed, it can mean that kids are not prepared for the busy day ahead.

This issue plagues many families and is a hot topic. According to Australian Parenting[1], ‘… a smooth routine helps your child to arrive at school feeling ready to make the most of the first few hours of the day …’ We all want that for our children, right? But even though some simple techniques are suggested—such as preparation the night before—each child is different. Aha! Parenting[2] shares frustrated parent comments such as, ‘… my 4yr.old is sooo slow … no matter how I phrase the request.’ Finding the right approach that works is a case of trial and error and patient perseverance.

Citadel Amie's children's book, Maybe Tomorrow It’ll Be Your Turn, tackles this subject in a non-confronting, engaging story and with some charming images. It touches briefly on the topic of sibling rivalry and how two sisters’ race to be the first one into the car in the morning. This all adds to the morning rush and the tension yet is all part of what happens in real life. How the younger sister finds a way to compete with her sister is an intriguing one. Will she find a way to be first in the car despite the school rush?

[1] Australian Parenting Website (2020), Morning routine for school: tips, viewed October 2020, <https://raisingchildren.net.au/school-age/school-learning/school-homework-tips/morning-routine-for-school>

[2] Aha! Parenting (2020), Getting Your Child Out the Door In the Morning, viewed October 2020,