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Announcement posted by Communications Alliance 13 Dec 2006

Helping those considering a VoIP service in home or small business
Communications Alliance today launched a new booklet designed to assist consumers and small businesses who are considering a VoIP service for their home or office.
The 28-page booklet was developed by Communications Alliance with substantial input from industry representatives on its VoIP Working Group and was launched at the organisation’s third annual VoIP Forum in Sydney.
The booklet advises potential VoIP customers on the questions they should pose to service providers and offers basic information about the various types of VoIP services on offer in Australia.
Titled “So you want a VoIP phone service?”, the booklet takes readers through “The seven steps to VoIP” under the following chapter headings:
    * Why do you want a VoIP phone service?
    * Things to consider
    * Ensuring that your broadband is up to it
    * Deciding on a VoIP service provider
    * Connecting it all up
    * Using your VoIP service
    * Customer service and your rights
Communications Alliance CEO Anne Hurley said the organisation had conducted extensive consultation on the needs of VoIP customers and identified lack of information as being the most significant issue.
“There is no doubt that the past year has seen a huge surge of interest in VoIP but that trend has been accompanied by widespread confusion and lack of knowledge about the full implications of installing VoIP in the home or office,”  Ms Hurley said.
“This customer booklet is aimed squarely at filling the void by providing objective, independent and easy-to-read information about VoIP services for consumers and small businesses.”
Communications Alliance has published a hard copy version of the booklet which will be available free of charge to VoIP customers and potential customers.
A soft copy can also be downloaded from the Communications Alliance website by clicking on the following weblink : www.commsalliance.com.au/projects/voip
In addition, Communications Alliance plans to make available copies of the booklet to VoIP providers so they can assist people who inquire about VoIP services.
About Communications Alliance
Communications Alliance was formed in 2006 to provide a unified voice for the Australian communications industry and to lead it into the next generation of converging networks, technologies and services.
Although Communications Alliance has its genesis in the merger of the Australian Communications Industry Forum (ACIF) and the Service Providers Association Inc (SPAN), it is a new organisation created specifically to drive the industry into the future with confidence, vitality and strength of purpose.
In pursuing its goals, Communications Alliance offers a forum for the industry to make coherent and constructive contributions to policy development and debate.
By providing leadership on new trends and directions, Communications Alliance fulfils a vital unifying role on behalf of the industry and its members, particularly in areas of competition, innovation and industry development.
The prime mission of Communications Alliance is to promote the growth of the Australian communications industry and the protection of consumer interests by fostering the highest standards of business ethics and behaviour through industry self-governance.