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Valentines Day help for couples who need to repair relationships

Announcement posted by Craig Eardley PR Consultant 12 Feb 2021

Online courses to help relationships damaged by a partner's impulsive behaviour

Clinical psychologist Dr Yuliya Richard says Valentines Day (February 14) is a perfect day for couples struggling in their relationships to take action.

While it is celebrated as a day of proposals, romantic dinners, and amazing love-making, Dr Richard said this is not the reality for many couples. 

She has developed an affordable, online course, to help couples to bring back trust and repair relationships, particularly those damaged by impulsive behaviours of one or both partners, in a matter of weeks. Impulsivity can contribute to issues anger, unhealthy drinking or eating, infidelity or porn addiction.


It’s very easy when we’re in a relationship that has been damaged to try and keep going without resolving anything,” Dr Richard said.

“For a long lasting, healthy relationship, issues need to be resolved, things need to be repaired and control needs to be regained,” she said. 

Dr Richard said the first step in rekindling love and trust is to understand and take ownership for any impulsivity. Skills to manage conflict and communicate better are also important.

“It is important for the people to think about the price of their behaviour – to themselves, their partner, and the relationship.”

“Work out the thoughts, feelings, and actions that feed your impulsive urges and the different ways you can think, cope and react.”

“Both people in the relationship need to manage expectations and support the other for lasting behaviour change. They need to believe that change is necessary, possible and worth it.”

“Don’t cancel love this year, do something positive to fight for it.”

Dr Richard said when people who tend to have positive or negative urgency to behave emotionally, or are sensation seeking, or have difficult tolerating frustration and boredom or have trouble planning they are at risk of behaviours that can place strain on relationships.

“Impulsivity helps us to feel adventurous, excited and spontaneous but sometimes it can be like a bad friend whom you utterly trust.

“Once impulsiveness turns into a bad habit it can be hard to change without help and tools. It can become reinforcing because impulsivity can stop you from seeking help, particularly if progress is not immediate.

“That’s why developing awareness of impulsivity and ways to manage it is so important.”

Dr Richard co-founded the Impulsivity program which offers online courses to help people gain control over impulsive behaviour especially where people experience urges, cravings and temptations or difficult emotions. She said the courses are based on a three-year research program, are cost effective, and can be done privately and at people’s own pace. For more information visit impulsivity.com.au.

Quick relationship test:

• Has your relationship been damaged by betrayal or broken promises?

• Do you feel disillusioned in your relationship and don’t know how to fix it?

• Are you sick and tired of having to deal with the same issue again and again?

• Has your partner tried but failed to manage their binge drinking, anger issues or other impulsive behaviours?

• Do you and your partner want help to change unwanted habits?