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Australia's Largest Appliance Repair Company Publishes Stats Highlighting the Least Reliable Appliances

Announcement posted by Nationwide Appliance Repair 02 Jul 2021

Fresh stats suggest that dryers, washing machines, refrigerators, and microwaves are appliances that need the most repair or have to be frequently replaced

The latest stats published by Quality Appliance Repair, one of Australia's largest appliance repair companies, suggest that common household appliances like microwaves, washing machines, dryers, and refrigerators break down the most. The stats show that washing machines break down the most often, i.e., 49.9% of the time, followed by refrigerators, which break down 41.6% of the time, dryers break down 37% of the time, followed by Microwaves which tend to breakdown 36.6% of the time. 

According to experts, refrigerators tend to breakdown more often than most other appliances because they are also the hardest working. The most common problem has to do with the coil, and the best way to avoid it is to clean the coil, which should ensure that you don't have a problem anytime soon. 

Refrigerator and freezer coils collect grime, dirt, grease, and other debris, which reduces the machine's efficiency. Eventually, refrigerators will overheat and breakdown. The easiest way to prevent this from happening is to remove the grille from the back and clean the coils using a vacuum cleaner with its brush attachment. Doing this a few times a year will ensure improved performance and reliability. 

Readers can find the complete list of appliances and stats on Quality Appliance Repair's official website: https://qualityappliancerepair.com.au.

"We know from experience that a lot of the common problems that lead to appliances breaking down can easily be prevented with routine maintenance. A simple cleaning, identifying a potential problem, and getting it fixed can save you hundreds of dollars in repairs. For instance, a common problem with microwaves is particle build-up. When it gets to a certain point, it causes the microwave to breakdown. Simple cleaning is all you need to prevent it." Said a representative for Quality Appliance Repair

He added, "While we admit that certain brands tend to break down more often than others, it's important that people invest in both regular maintenance and professional repairs. If anything, it can save you a lot of money." 

About Quality Appliance Repair

The company is best known for providing quick repair services for common household appliances like fridges, washing machines, and ovens, amongst others. The service saves people time by fixing most problems right away. Quality Appliance Repair provides repair services all over Australia with their headquarters in 13 Dandenong St, Dandenong VIC 3175 Australia. They can be found here: https://g.page/r/CZdAGYTzyjjXEBA Call: 03 9485 4900