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Support for new parents needed beyond birth, breastfeeding experts say

Announcement posted by Australian Breastfeeding Association 09 Jul 2021


Support for new parents needed beyond birth, breastfeeding experts say


Experts from the Australian Breastfeeding Association (ABA) have welcomed an announcement from the Victorian government boosting funds to maternity services, amid a baby boom following the state’s lockdowns.


Health Minister Martin Foley announced an injection of $13.2 million into Victoria’s public maternity services, but experts say it’s vital to make sure women and families are supported once they go home, not just in hospital.


Jennifer Hurrell, ABA’s Victorian Branch President says that breastfeeding support is vital in the early days, and many new people have found it challenging to get the support they need in the last year.


“We know that women in Australia want to breastfeed their babies.” Ms Hurrell says. “Over ninety percent of women start out breastfeeding, but that number drops dramatically in the first few weeks and months after birth.”


Ms Hurrell says that COVID has impacted new mums in a lot of ways.


“Women are telling us that having a baby in the age of COVID has been a double edged sword.” Ms Hurrell says. “They love that they get to stay at home and bond with their babies, but if they’re having difficulties with things like breastfeeding, it can be a challenge to access support, particularly if they need to do that remotely.”


The Australian Breastfeeding Association offers support to mothers and families around Australia, including Breastfeeding Education Classes offered in person or online, and the government funded National Breastfeeding Helpline, available on 1800 mum2mum (1800 686 268) 24 hours a day, every day of the year.


For more information on the Australian Breastfeeding Association, visit www.breastfeeding.asn.au

Media contact   Jennifer Hurrell 0411 021 141 Photos available on request

DATE : JULY 9 2021